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11/07/10 10:52 AM

#82818 RE: Ninja7 #82801

I told Jason (who now works for Monk) at the end of the PHX Monkinar that probably the best thing about the experience in PHX was not so much learning something about trading but getting to know the people behind the message board aliases in the FLD’s and developing trust between all of us. The Den had my back, and I had theirs in these plays. In looking back, I’m struck by two things: my gullibility and greed (both of which are hard to admit) and the insidious brilliance of the FLD scam (take people’s sense of family and build it into something called the Den so that people will hold a stock to let others sell regardless of how ridiculous the story is/becomes).

You have arrived at the heart of the matter. The Williams scheme is diabolically evil. It encompasses many of the elements of those who build cults as well as the tricks of successful confidence men. The use of shills to constantly laud his supposed brilliance and to testify as to the "caring nature of the team" or "family" provides the crowning touch.

Thankfully, it has all been exposed now for the sham it is and like many other confidence men as of late, I suspect "Dr" Jerry will soon find himself in a legal morass from which he may never recover.

If you or anyone else can help the govt track down this scoundrel's money and let them know exactly where he has it all hidden, it could go a long way in helping some of the losers to recover a portion of their losses. Otherwise, the money is lost for good.


11/07/10 12:02 PM

#82830 RE: Ninja7 #82801

Exactly - sociopathic and evil. I got such rational pleading letters from that Jason..... didn't work.

When I saw the "team" language and testimonials and attacks on those even appearing to question it was a screaming red flag with confidence game written all over. I just can not imagine why other very smart folks did not see it. I suppose the thoughts of gains, being different, are really powerful tools to the storytellers.

Simple rule (that I said in one of my FIRST posts on a "FLD" stock) THIS IS NEVER A TEAM SPORT, EVER. IT WILL ALWAYS BE A SOLITARY ACTIVITY, YOU AGAINST YOUR OWN DECISIONS TO BUY SELL OR HOLD. It isn't even you against the market.... it is truly you against you.

That is why it is such a rewarding business!


11/07/10 4:08 PM

#82864 RE: Ninja7 #82801

The Science of Persuasion

it all sounds very familiar with stocks like EIGH, etc....

Salespeople,politicians, friends and family all have a stake in
getting you to agree to their requests.Social psychology has
determined the basic principles that govern getting to “yes”


11/07/10 5:18 PM

#82867 RE: Ninja7 #82801

This last one I resent most of all, and to see people here still holding on to that idea and still believing that EIGH will come back, that they haven’t been lied to and taken advantage of, truly breaks my heart

enough said

you can add the lack of effort to learn