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11/06/10 11:00 AM

#250608 RE: bond-007 #250602

My previous post was and is not a political post

It's an appeal to EVERYONE of us to set aside everything for just perhaps once in your life to act like never before... Throughout history powerful people have felt they have the right to 'run over' the little guys..

They feel they are ordained to get richer and stronger at the common folks expense...

Throughout history, we also learn that when ordinary people rise up, fight back and are heard, these powerful weasels show how weak they really are and are beaten time and time again...

Dont sit back tapping at a keyboard thinking for one moment it will be enough here.. NOT THIS TIME!!!

Ordinary people from all over the country from every walk of life, every color, every religion, came together and left their homes to ACT, this week it was to go and vote... AND THEY SUCCEEDED - AGAIN...

If we are all truly united in this quest for justice YOU individually must ACT....

This is YOUR moment, you are fighting for your family, your country, your money for justice, for your very SOUL...

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