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11/06/10 5:12 AM

#5682 RE: Kings to Cup #5680


I sold all my shares at a profit of more than $ 10,000 a few days ago. A major reason is that I don't trust the information coming from this company. If some information looks too good the be true it usually is not true. For one thing, the deal which was closed a few days ago: if that property is so valuable why was it acquired almost free of charge in relation to its alleged value? Is there any objective proof of the value of the property?


11/06/10 10:35 AM

#5690 RE: Kings to Cup #5680

Yours is without a doubt, the best post I have ever seen on any of these boards. Every single question, every sense of frustration I have is in your post. I haven't read any replies yet because I just had to stop and tell you that you hit it all right on the head. Thank you.
I just hope you (we) get some actual answers.


11/06/10 10:54 AM

#5696 RE: Kings to Cup #5680

King I can't PM you, but I wanted to tell you two things:

First, Be loyal to you. Everyone here no matter how nice or informative they are is looking out for one person, "me". At the end of the day if you lose all your money and I make a lot because I "played" the stock right, I am happy and life goes on for me. Sure I feel bad someone who I don't know lost money and that sucks because I know the feeling, but "oh well, glad it wasn't me."

My point in that is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS do your own DD (due diligence or research). Comb over everything and compare information at one website to another. Look at non-academic sites (IHUB, Wiki, Google, etc.) and Academic sites (SEC, OTCBB, legal documents, etc.) to further get an understanding of what you are investing in and why you like or dislike. If you do not do this and complain when a stock tanks SERVES YOU RIGHT!

Than support your feeling with those facts. At that point it doesn't matter what a pumper or a basher says about what is going on because you have done your DD and feel good about your information.

If you choose to make this a living there is a second piece to this puzzle...

Second, Learn the sentiments of stock chatrooms and what the market is telling you through charts. There is a massive lemming effect in the market. If one does it we all do it. If across the board everyone is screaming in frustration and calling something a scam, resist the urge to prove people wrong and "catch the falling knife" it is stupid not brave to piss into the wind. It is better to be the person who got in near the bottom and out near the top most of the time, than the person who got in at the bottom and out at the top rarely

Charts work two fold they confirm to us what happened and in that regard you can sometimes develope a trend or feeling about a particular stock. When you combine investor sentiment with a chart you can, depending how good you are at, make more money by reading the trend.


Last thing is this. There are many people who take on the strategy of hold a "core position" and "flip" the rest". For example I hold a core position of 5 million shares in a different stock "long", but I have flipped it with a different position 6 times. Each time I flip it for all it is worth and buy back in based on my interpretation and trend lines of the charts. My core never changes, but I am still responsible for it going down and up because I am still "playing" the stock. That is a mjority of the reason why you here "longs" say they are adding to their "core". When I do it I am flipping it until it becomes free than my core poisition grows.

The goal for me in every stock is to get myself to have my core position be all free based upon the runs.

I hope that helps. But, what you will find is there is no information that will help you as much as experience and learning from said experiences.



11/06/10 12:12 PM

#5699 RE: Kings to Cup #5680

It was Friday evening and I didn't want to spend too much on my post. But with all the questions you and others have, I am elaborating.

About me:
-I am SW engineer in Oklahoma trying to make some extra cash
-I am a newbie to stocks and ihub and a free member here (so only 15 msgs and no private msgs)
-I am so new to this that I am not sure what I can and cannot share here
-I have a small investment in SNEY ~3mil which I bought in the 0.002 range

Why I contacted Sunergy:
-I was making a nice profit already when the stock hit 0.01, but I decided to hold due to all the hype about a dime and may be a dollar. A guy can dream right!!!
-By now, everyone knows that the Admiral does not spend his time bashing this stock just because of the kindness of his heart. In my country (India), there is a saying that if a lie is said a 1000 times, it becomes the truth. So his rhetoric did cause fear in me.
-The recent dip was making me real nervous. I was about to sell but my wife suggested that we should hold on for few more days, because we were essentially playing with house money. I decided to call him to him to allay my fears.

Here is my email to Sunergy:

I am current stockholder of SNEY and have been a huge supporter of the company on a forum I frequent. I am also contemplating increasing my position. But the recent plunge in the pps has worried me a lot and got me thinking. Many questions and allegations have been posted on the forum and I am not able to answer them. I will pose them to you in hopes of getting accurate information.

1. Has Sunergy ever mined an ounce of gold during its existence?
2. Has Sunergy ever made a profit?
3. Other companies found anomalies but no commercially viable Gold or Diamonds in Pampana, Sierra Leone. Here are the links 1 & 2. Could you explain that please?
4. Why would Allied give up on a 2+ billion property for a tiny amount of cash and a few shares? Why could it not mine gold itself?
5. Is there dilution going on? The float seems to be more that the advertised number? Should we worry about the 3+ billion share structure? Is there a split on the horizon?
6. How is SNEY getting the financing to start mining? Would there be more dilution for acquiring the finances? When can we expect the financing news and when can we expect mining to start?
7. Where do you see the price of SNEY in the short term?

I know that they are a little too many questions, but I would appreciate the information. This will enable me to get back to my forum and post your responses to allay fears.

Thanks in advance,
Concerned Shareholder"

Here was Steve Parent's response:
You should call me. 4803997222

I called him @2:12PMCDT on Friday and talked for a couple of minutes. He said that he was on his way to a meeting with the financiers along with Levich. He said he would call me back at a later time.

I wasn't so sure that he would call me back.

But to our surprise, he did call me at about 7:33 in the evening. We talked for about 29 minutes and we went down the list of questions one after the other. We also talked about the court case against him and Medhi. Mr. Levich was with him and I overhead him comment on our conversation from time to time.

What I got from the conversation:
-He was a very straight forward guy
-He did reasonably answer my questions to MY satisfaction
-They were having excellent discussions with the financiers and work should start soon
-The current pps is a fraction of what the company envisions it to be

Why I posted the feedback:
-Over the last week I felt that many were disheartened by the pps and were in the same boat as I was. I thought some news will help.

Here is what I think:
-This may or may not be a legit company. It is always a huge risk.
-I am easily gullible, so what he told me could be a bunch of BS.
-The risk versus reward for me is the bottom line.
-If I am wrong I will lose a few thousand dollars. I think I can recoup that loss in a year from my day job
-But if I am right, I can pay off my mortgage (29 more yrs) and more
-So me and my wife talked about it last night and we decided to hold and even try to buy more at an attractive price.
-No one has to believe me. If anyone thinks that I am lying about the phone conversation. They can pick up the phone and call Sunergy to get their own answers. That doesn't cost you much, then you are not depending on any one else but your own DD.

Hope that helps.

PS:Now I have only 14 msgs for the day :)


11/06/10 1:46 PM

#5707 RE: Kings to Cup #5680

Yeah, right!