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11/05/10 9:26 AM

#250197 RE: wamuvoodoo #250196


The court moves in strange ways. No reason your take on this would not be correct due to the closed door chaber meeetings.

Take Care


11/05/10 9:28 AM

#250198 RE: wamuvoodoo #250196


stop that brah, no settlement is coming...we are just getting started. I know you mean well just drop the S word as we have to many nervous nellies that will hang on every word said in regards to an S.

So looks like I won't get to meet you on the 9th.

alright back to lurking!


11/05/10 9:35 AM

#250201 RE: wamuvoodoo #250196

You are not alone in your opinion on a possible settlement....Mordicai shares the opinion. It is not completely unthinkable either, especially considering the shareholder meeting deal was postponed. Would explain why the examiner's report was full of so many holes that any attorney worth his salt would be able to discredit. I've watched Law and order enough times to know that while we sit here and talk about how bad this is for us, Susman might be saying to Rosen "you know all I have to do is file this or that...and then Rosen says, "in which case my clients are prepared to offer you a settlement of this X amount of $ to end this" etc etc. Regardless, if the examiner walks by you at the next hearing flex and snarl at him LOL.


01/03/18 5:41 PM

#502696 RE: wamuvoodoo #250196

to wamuvoodoo

I remember all your poatings during the trial
back in 2009 and 2010

Can you give me a serious answer about this
Escrow crap ?? Is it for real ??

I went throught that process getting my vote
in on time and all the paperwork saying
I have escrow shares.

But this is all confusing.

Can you give me a truthful word.

I greatly appreciate it