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11/05/10 6:31 AM

#250176 RE: Lucullus #250174

Have a read ...what I posted before, I think we dont know much at all what is going on

Interesting theories of a Ariva membertranslated with google

German to English translation
of Biotechler from Ariva:

My interpretation:
The back-room conversation with Mary in August, the following:
It is set in advance what will find the Examiner.
Core point: JPM is not a burden Examiner report, it is unassailable,
but later a settlement with a "fair price" offer.

The Examiner has kept it, and therefore can not subpoena-power
exercised. (What he had heard there might, he would then have to report so well!)
There is nothing criminal offense appeared, was yes, but not his job.
Only one problem, the Examiner anyway: He can not lie.
Therefore the statement that WaMu was solvent most likely.
And could be a few more points to investigate further, but
here it is not precisely a lack of time on it.
Probably in the uncensored report are the numbers, but we shareholders
first have to do without.

JPM must now hold only of the agreement and thereafter as
generous savior be considered. However, the need for a credible
Reason to give us the money. Hey presto, there's also got an offer of
Toronto Dominion, and thus the $ 30 billion in play. Cleverly designed
because of this fact that TD was not considered JPM is not guilty
but must still pay later.
Perfect timing and the right tool to quash annoying questions!
It would not even surprise me if this TD offer would never have taken place,
but was designed only to subsequently JPM a feasible way out of the
to offer dilemma. But since I do not precisely enter into it ...

The FDIC has already brought in a secure and is used by positons
Examiner, too clean.

This explanation would still answer most question marks in the Examiner report.
The swearing in of the EC to secrecy fits so suddenly into the picture.
The announcement by James Dimon: "If we are wrong ..." I see now quite different.

We will get to see the uncensored Examiner report before, and the
Bank robbery with all facts gathered is officially called a
Conspiracy theory of a couple of spinners dismissed. (The Examiner had yet
something revealed guaranteed! ") is determined in this uncensored report
also everything in plain text in it, I do not think that high mountain and Mary a
castrated report provides. This (unknown to us) numbers are in
Decisions play a role!

Here are the puzzle pieces are not fit: (Help appreciated)
- The opposition Rosen. Should he play the pawns?
- If anything was clear from the beginning, why did Hochberg extension and
Increase his team get approved?
- Why can high mountain on this game, and damaged his reputation?
- Why leave 2 members right now the EC?

If JPM positive for them after the Examiner report does not adhere to the agreement
Susman has then hopefully the smoking guns and hot documents in the hindquarters.
Or then Mary can still intervene and extend the deadline again Examiner
and thus exert pressure? But I do not expect that there will be so.

Of course, I am shocked and disappointed by the report, but was probably
this procedure, the condition of JPM. Or how else can the white with a
Vest the whole thing to come out and still have a reason to pay?
Now all their "go-not-in-the-jail" card than wholesale.
And with the suddenly reduced expectations for the payment now
99% of Wamulaner 12 USD (Phantasiezahl!) be satisfied, rather than as a week ago
perhaps only 80%.
In addition, JPM can now collect more cheap shares (exactly what happened precisely!) -
It would not surprise me if Mary under this arrangement, even the 4.75% rule
would have overridden. What it itches what any post-holder still
? Gamble

My 80% scenario: Before the next relevant event (.? 09.11) we will have a
see suspension of trading and settlement, it would have to be actively still Susman
make a difference to his reputation and not to damage it. And then it would
really dirty - and that's not where but just had a white vest
was distributed!

No purchase or sell info!