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Lawrence 147

11/03/10 1:24 PM

#249054 RE: sf #249043

I have no idea, I have seen no ballot only several changes in the POR over the last few days, each of them coming from KCC, still looking for mine.
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11/03/10 3:50 PM

#249140 RE: sf #249043

It looks like the commons shareholders received "informational" ballots. they are not expected to vote because commons get nothing in the present plan. Therefore, all common shareholders are deemed to vote to reject.

This makes sense. Why require everyone to vote when the only reasonable choice would be a vote to reject?

I got a notice in the mail that said only partially impaired classes will be voting.

Parties who will be paid in full are deemed to vote to accept. No actual voting is necessary.

People who are fully impaired are deemed to vote to reject. No actual voting is necessary.

Only partially impaired classes are allowed to vote, such as the WAMPQ and WAMKQ holders, since they get between 0% and 1% according to the Plan, version 6.