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11/02/10 3:23 PM

#107865 RE: tinkershaw #107863

Later in the Teva call they are asked if Lovenox approval is built in to their guidance for the year. He hems and haws and then says they won't comment on what specifically is in the guidance, but he would be "very disappointed" if it wasn't approved during the year. (I was listening at double speed and reporting from memory, so it's possible I misrepresented what was said a little).

Contrary to the prevailing view here, I personally don't think Teva cares much about the MNTA's current stock price. Admittedly they do care greatly about Copaxone, but it's very hard to see what impact MNTA's stock price would have on the prospects for a generic Copaxone.

I thought they sounded pretty confident on "sameness" - whether that is their version of sameness or the FDA version remains to be seen. But personally I'm a little more cautious after their call.
