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River City Wave

03/03/05 1:24 PM

#72043 RE: Da_Deven_Dolla #72034

This makes sense. We here have no clue as to what is being designed in the back room. I believe that the business agreements were made a long time ago (in the sense of an age of just-in-time delivery). Wavx is the point man, his (our) struggle is much different than the legions that follow. Just an opinion of an every day lurker.
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03/03/05 1:33 PM

#72045 RE: Da_Deven_Dolla #72034

Da Deven Great Post! You are right on the $$$$$$.

As I have been saying for quite awhile now, ever since the INTC/WAVX alliance, there is very little probability that INTC would go 'full steam ahead' with Wave Systems WITHOUT getting some sort of 'go ahead' signal from MSFT.

Everyone knows that MSFT and INTC are known as WINTEL. These two companies do everything in lockstep. They know each other inside and out.....and they help each other out. You scratch my back and I will scratch yours.....kinda thing.

WINTEL have the same strategy book, more or less. And so, I think that Wave Systems will figure nicely in MSFT's plans for security. How exactly? Who knows? When exactly? Who knows? But there is NO WAY that INTEL would be putting Wave Systems in all its next generation gizmos without getting the green flag from Mr. Softee. No F'n Way!!!!

so......given the above where does this take us? Well, I think that pretty soon everyone in the digital space (inc the QUALCOMMs of the world) will figure out that they ought to put Wave's ETS package in their little gizmos.....if for no other reason than to fall in step with WINTEL. No one wants to look like they are out in Left Field....if ya know what I mean. Then, we will see activation and usage rates go up.....gradually at first....and then BAM BAM BAM WHAM!!!!!! The activation/usage rates will skyrocket because everyone will see what great benefits they get from the stuff. Then, the revenue stream will just EXPAND EXPAND EXPAND...........

This is the way it goes. It is NEVER a neat straight line. But if ya don't get with the program, then you will be left behind very very fast.
