bullsEye1.. I am a FAA Flight Instructor with Commercial Pilot and Intrument Ratings. I am also a past member of the E.A.A.
I am not an expert, but have flown homebuilt airplanes and helped make one. This first inspection should be a piece of cake. The Inspector will be looking for proper construction techniques and material. I'm am 100% convinced that Vern knows what they want, infact, it is a good guess the Inspector doesn't know what in the world he/she is looking at, Hope he/she has a big ladder! All kidding aside, the FAA just wants to be sure nobody gets hurt, and since there will be no pilot this will be a little different from what I've seen in the past. I've been to Oshkosh and have seen just about anything under the sun, but the Stratellite is another story!
BTW, I bought GTEL for the other stuff long before the Sanwire deal was made. In a certain sense I'm happy they are giving this a go because it could help business, but the other operatins are what will bring home the bacon in the next year. I don't like the big swings the Stratellite could give us and like the steady eddy rise more than anything.