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10/29/10 7:50 PM

#71890 RE: Prove It2 #71889

What I find really frustrating is that we have people squabbling when a product that is worth more than any anyone of them really can comprehend is going to die on the vine or be sold for a pittance. It is truly sad that this life saving product is suffering this fate. Greed and stupidity are combining to create a scenario where nearly everybody loses. People invested in the company without even really understanding what it was that we have. So now they want to force a fire sell so that their investment partners can buy the tech. They are going to make fractions of pennies on the dollar for all their efforts and they have left themselves open for lawsuit after lawsuit. The fact is that if people must wait for this to go to auction, by the time this tech gets out of court it will be as out of date as a walkman.