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03/02/05 6:32 PM

#71899 RE: UncleverName #71898

Great job, many thanks for your efforts Unclever! eom
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03/02/05 6:47 PM

#71902 RE: UncleverName #71898

UncleverName: Thank you. Invaluable!
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03/02/05 7:03 PM

#71906 RE: UncleverName #71898

Unclever...AWESOME!!! thank you! eom
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03/02/05 7:03 PM

#71907 RE: UncleverName #71898

So the Cat is Outta the Bag! If you are a Gov't.

Purchaser of IT gear, then you are now ACCOUNTABLE for buying

Untrusted equipment. You go to JAIL!

What do I mean? Well, like SKS says, it has been tremendous fun going around the Govt telling them that Trusted Computing is here NOW! What he is sayin' is that these Govt Purchasing Officers are now ACCOUNTABLE to buying the RIGHT type of IT gear that will be TRUSTED. They are ACCOUNTABLE because it EXISTS! Since Trusted Computers exist, then the Govt purchasing managers are OBLIGED to buy it. If they don't, then they are accountable for the CONSEQUENCES and they go to "JAIL".

This is especially so for HOMELAND SECURITY. There are NO MORE EXCUSES!

I can see why SKS says it is so much fun. Can you imagine being in the catbird's seat like that?

HA HA HA HA HA......

this is really really GOOD!
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03/02/05 7:38 PM

#71913 RE: UncleverName #71898

Unclever, thanks. Reading the transcript is very different from hearing it live. I finally understand the business model and my investment for the first time. SKS did a great job if even I can understand it.
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03/02/05 7:43 PM

#71914 RE: UncleverName #71898

Snackman, You have a new link-
to post at the top! Great job, unclever!!
See Ya in Vegas!!!

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03/02/05 7:46 PM

#71915 RE: UncleverName #71898

Sprague calls IBM, INTEL, DELL, HP, National SEMI OUR (WAVE SYSTEMS) CUSTOMERS. Does customer mean that they PAY US MONEY? Or commit to do so?


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03/02/05 7:47 PM

#71916 RE: UncleverName #71898

How many different ways can SKS
tell us, Mr Softie gets it?
See Ya in Vegas!
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03/02/05 7:53 PM

#71919 RE: UncleverName #71898

VNice Unclever! .e/
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03/02/05 8:24 PM

#71922 RE: UncleverName #71898

Also from the Transcript:

We've built a suite of tools today. Probably the most important one of our tools at this point in time, and it's really a software application, is our Trusted Computing Group enabled CSP. What's a CSP? CSP is a Cryptographic Service Provider layer. Why is that important? The reason a CSP is important is it's the software that sits between applications that want to talk to the hardware and the hardware itself.

Thanks Unclevername. It is so great to hear SKS pronounce what a few of us have known for a long time. The CSP is huge to this investment. See my post below from a few months back:

Posted by: Da_Deven_Dolla
In reply to: barge who wrote msg# 64395 Date:1/9/2005 6:20:00 PM
Post #of 71904

There is still a huge piece of pie these companies are seeking and it will only happen if they continue to ride Wave's consumer vision of 10 years ago (your welcome again Barge). It looks like a lot has happened in the last few months to point to Wave's success in that area. A lot of people here complain about management and I'll tell you what, I'm still not a Feeney fan in the least. But I will say to those who don't think Sprague has deserved his salary or bonuses that they're wrong. Sprague deserves everything he gets for one reason that will become very clear in the near future. He deserves it for pulling one of the Microsoft Execs aside (maybe it was Gates, but probably Biddle) in the TCPA days and making it clear that there was only one direction this can go since Wave held the vital patents to Trusted Computing. The problem for Wave was that they were way too small to ever get their Embassy hardware deployed and get the buy-in from all the other Tech companies. Therefore, Wave said to Microsoft "we will give you a piece of our technology (the nexus kernal) so that you can deploy Longhorn en masse and make billions with the digital movement (Enterprise and Janus) if you'll get the hardware companies such as Intel, Infineon, and IBM on board in order to deploy the TPM's. That way, we'll keep the part of the technology that says if a vendor wants to create an application to be used in the new TC grid that will be created within the Internet just before and after Longhorn deploys, that they'll have to go to Wave. So Wave then creates the CSP and it appears that they practically give it away so it must be insignificant, right? Wrong! The reason the CSP is so cheap is that if you want to employ an application in the new TC world, you'll also need all the tools such as KTM Server AD in order to attest your users and back up your applications.

It's really absolutely brilliant if you think about it. I'm sure Lark Allen also had a big part in that little conversation that most likely occurred months before the Palladium announcement that caused Wave to spike for some unknown reason (Wavoids know why) and therefore causing the formation of the TCG with Wave and Pheonix there like two little guppies in a shark's tank. If people would just look at the fact that the TCG was founded by Gorillas and yet appears to be ran by Wave, they would arrive to the thought that there definitely has to be a business reason why this occurs.

I'm sure this will all be in Weby's book someday, but to get back to the point of management....Sprague is a genius that deserves to work on his barn if he wants to during the holidays, CPA and others, and we will all be blessed in the near future because of Wave's success in creating the new TC paradigm. In addition, Wave was again brilliant in foreseeing that people prefer to carry their communication tools (Cell phones and computers) in their pocket. So Wave creates the right partnerships with Trustzone, and now it appears that this movement will trump the Longhorn piece.

Wave has done a lot of things right and a few minor things wrong. This is also why the price sits at $1.17. I mean who bought that last round of financing at $1.05? That would be ridiculous, unless your Kevin Ross (Dell CEO) or some other important player who wants to buy into the company in a matter that does not have to be publicly disclosed.

We talk a lot of Tech on this board, but once again, just like I stated a year ago, just the Business reasons are enough to be assured of Wave's success. If you don't believe that Wave is in Microsoft's pocket or vice versa, you'll realize it soon.

Very long post I know, but I guess reading my rants from a year or so ago brought it all back again, and in many ways it still seems like many on the board need to hear this. I believe it was Greg S and others who challenged me back then and will probably try again, but the fact of the matter is to the Greg S's of the world that Wave is still here and will always be because of their business relationships and technology. And there's nothing you have been able to say in this last year or most likely ever that has changed that simple fact.


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03/02/05 9:12 PM

#71929 RE: UncleverName #71898


Wow,it is as if I were standing in the same room. So much of what I was missing has now been found. Simply fantastic!!
Great job and much Thanks.
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03/02/05 10:56 PM

#71938 RE: UncleverName #71898

Unclvername does it again! THANKS!!!!!eom/VH