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10/27/10 8:46 AM

#79800 RE: Dogfish Head #79798

well one "insider" did sell, but that was a few months ago


10/27/10 8:48 AM

#79803 RE: Dogfish Head #79798

The company's own Pr stated that the restricted shares are now only 5,000,000 shares. All the rest are now free trading with no legend.


10/27/10 8:50 AM

#79804 RE: Dogfish Head #79798

OK, so you don't believe that Tom Kelly is selling shares.
I don't remember anyone espousing the theory that he was, but you may very well be correct.


10/27/10 2:57 PM

#79894 RE: Dogfish Head #79798

I don't believe anyone who is an insider period is selling. I think that theory of insiders selling is a bunch of hooey designed to frighten shareholders into selling.

This is a revived shell brought out of the pile to instigate one thing and one thing only, and that is to make money off unsuspecting shareholders, that are being encouraged to hold it long term while others profit from their misfortune.

Maybe if the company had a diamond mine they could sprinkle some pixie dust into the core samples, instead of all these flowery PR's that amount to nothing more than a pile of useless statements they hope will recompense some amount of remuneration for their efforts.

Definition of FICTION
a : something invented by the imagination or feigned; specifically : an invented story b : fictitious literature (as novels or short stories) c : a work of fiction; especially : novel
a : an assumption of a possibility as a fact irrespective of the question of its truth <a legal fiction> b : a useful illusion or pretense
: the action of feigning or of creating with the imagination