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10/26/10 11:11 AM

#22355 RE: jbsliverer #22345

I'm sure the regulatory authorities will be looking at this deal with some scrutiny as they should.

Sure, that's why BEHL is so confident abt distributing BEHL S/Hs BNPD divi's to volumize the stock 3-4 wks after passing the date of record and turning into free tradeable shares after the SR-1 has become effective.


10/26/10 6:15 PM

#22359 RE: jbsliverer #22345

As well as .. potentially illegal use of email and message boards by the company and others to promote and distribute misleading information about the deal.

Those are some of the concerns that have been expressed to the authorities.


10/27/10 12:00 PM

#22365 RE: jbsliverer #22345

jbsilver...You know way more about stocks and how they work than I do. Isn't FINRA the agency that approves BNPD's request? Don't they investigate the companies involved? Why are you asking boardmembers to contact the SEC? Have you contacted the SEC and filed a complaint? I would think one complaint should be enought to get the ball rolling, please explain how this process works. I don't know, you maybe right. I need more info.


10/27/10 10:32 PM

#22371 RE: jbsliverer #22345

Do you really think that, if there were an illegal side to this BNPD/BEHL equation, DF would have brought this into being ? Question can be asked next Friday in another intervw. How abt that ?