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10/22/10 12:14 PM

#244018 RE: steel58 #244011

**Well, yes, that is the short end to this mess. The BOD could say lets offer shareholders XX per share, pay off the preferreds and end this rather than take the future risks.

One thing leads to another here, Mary Walrath mentioned the 'Domino effect' today.

Domino 1: The examiner's report.

Will it fall far and hard enough to tip over Dominio 2: the shareholders meeting.

Dominio 3: replacement of the board

Dominio 4: US trustee taking over, which spins off Domino 1, lol...

Dominio 5: Restart of litigation for assets identified by the examiner.

And so it goes... unless the Domino effect is stopped by a settlement agreed on by equity.

But we need that first Domino to fall hard and fast on Nov 1 and get this effect to start moving!


10/22/10 12:20 PM

#244026 RE: steel58 #244011

I would think that if the BOD directors were to reverse direction now it would end up like Rosen changing direction. It think they made their bed and are now forced to lay in it. So I'm not sure where it would lead or who could protect the BOD from legal action. In fact if the examiner finds evidence of some sort of shenanigans the DOJ may want to start their own investigation.


10/22/10 12:59 PM

#244057 RE: steel58 #244011

They would need to deny the GSA and start over with a new MOR that uses the Tax Refunds as "cash on hand" The would then list the actual liabilities they have. It would put A>L and start an entirely new court. It won't happen "they made their bed"

They will resign right after the meeting is ordered.
