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02/28/05 2:27 PM

#52969 RE: CombJelly #52968

Does this mean no itanic based T&L anytime soon ? AWH GEE !

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02/28/05 2:44 PM

#52970 RE: CombJelly #52968

LOL! Yup, here's the detail on the remaining vendors:

Dell managed to capture 5 per cent of the Itanium market with 1,371 server sales last year, Gartner said.


SGI moved just over 1,000 boxes to take 4 per cent of the market, and Fujitsu finished fifth with a whopping 233 systems sold in all of 2004, giving it 1 per cent of the market. Groupe Bull, NEC, Legend, LangChao and Unisys rounded out the top ten Itanium vendors - each managing to convince a few close, personal friends to take some Itanic kit off their hands.

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02/28/05 3:37 PM

#52971 RE: CombJelly #52968

According the The Reg, IDC claimed 33,623 Itanium servers sold in 2004. Gardner comes in at a lower figure, about 26,005. HP accounted for 76% or those sales, IBM was number 2 with 10%. So all of the rest of the Itanium vendors shipped a total of about 4700 servers in all of 2004.

So yeah, I can believe that Itanium is key to all of those other manufacturers that we've been told about.

Sigh. Not all IPF "units" are equal. The ~1000 servers that
SGI sold averaged about $300k each and represent ~20%
of 2004 IPF server sales by revenue.

BTW, looky here:

SGI sold another "unit".