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02/27/05 3:11 PM

#1001 RE: navydude4 #1000

Navy-It is absolutely untrue to state that OS is being sued by the SEC. Assuming that the moderator is interested in truthrul discussion, he should remove your post.

And those aren't opinions; they are conclusions drawn by the reporter from the available facts.

Did HQNT claim the full value of the trade credits as an asset, or did they not?

Did HQNT include the entire OHA liability on the books, or did they not?

Did HQNT claim that LabQuotient would bring five million dollars to the bottom line, or did they not?

Was HQNT's overall accounting in accordance with GAAP, or was it not?
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02/27/05 3:16 PM

#1002 RE: navydude4 #1000

navydude, you want the truth then you speak the truth!
Give us a court document where OS is "being"sued? tia

"Seeing how OS is being sued by the SEC, "
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02/27/05 4:24 PM

#1005 RE: navydude4 #1000

Navydude, re: your question,

..."...why hasn't OS reported being sued by the SEC on their webpage?" As has been noted, you incorrectly report who or what is being sued; Our Street is not a party to this action. However, Miles does note the pending SEC action against himself here, in a link I already posted:

There you'll also see a reply to Gayle Essary's comment about the "crystal," but I doubt you're interested in reading it as it doesn't suit your purposes.

By the way, Our Street's HQNT page now states in three separate places that HQNT has been served with a subpoena by the SEC. Based on Cohn's litigious behavior, one can only imagine that the consequences to Miles would be dire if that information were inaccurate.


Note to starthewonderpup: Excellent points made in post #999.
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02/27/05 6:35 PM

#1011 RE: navydude4 #1000

Why is their reporting of the RAO Verdict a half-truth? They reported what they knew. The dogpack surely knows the Judgement, so why not post the "whole" truth. I would suggest that witholding the known facts while arguing about what OS posted is disengnuine, at best!

bulldog says he works for Cohn, so I would surprised if he does the details. Hmmm. I note his absence, and consider that odd since he never hesitated to come on the Boards to announce good news and positive prognosis. Sadly few came to pass, as I recall. But...

In that regard, OS seems to have the high ground. Miles being sued by the SEC does not alter what OS reported to the SEC, or paint them as lies, does it? How many of the Companies that OS reported are now sanctioned, under investigation or BK? Seems like a commendable track record. Far better that PRs with some companies, eh? (For a detailed discussion, please see my Post #990. I would be very interested in your discussion of those pertinent and detailed questions. tia)

BTW, OS probably does draw conclusions based upon what they believe are facts. Saying "we believe" and "it appears to us" is quite valid and probably much fairer than saying logical conclusions are facts. Now you would not be happy with that would you?

Well, I enjoyed the discussion so far and believe I am sticking "to making points clearly and fairly" as the Moderator desires. I can hardly wait for you response and discussion.