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10/15/10 6:52 PM

#241836 RE: dannoninvest #241835

I agree. I want you guys to understand a bit about me. I started investing in wamu about 2 years ago and I dont recall who first let me know the start of the journey that I would end up taking.

I have 2 direct family members with some serious medical issues. I am not old, but I am still young enough at 27 to continue to work in order to make back any losses i would make. I went into this in a selfless manner. I intend on taking care of my mothers and brothers medical costs
( this coming from a guy who hasnt been able to see a doctor cause I cant afford medical insurance for myself. )

The plan is to make enough from wamu to move my mother and brother from here on the east coast to a warmer climate which will help them live a better life.

I stopped going out to eat and socialize about 2 years ago to this day. I promised myself that the sacrifice would be worth it in the end. I still think in the case of WAMU we will see justice. I now have it all on the line. Every penny ive scrimped and saved had been put into p's,k's and wamuq.

I know the saying is to never risk more than your comfortable with and always diversify, but in my situation I have to go for it. If it doesnt work out then ok sucks, but at least i tried. If however we are right then I can be my families real life hero.

I dont wish to make you all sad, but I just want you all to know that im sure there are many others out there like myself who have it all on the line in this play. Maybe for different reasons, but the goal is the same. A life changing event that will ripple and affect other peoples lives around us.

This whole WAMU case has stunk of fraud from the very start and I hope that we see financial just compensation soon.

As much as i would like to trade,flip, or cash out early. I simply cant. I need to get max value for what i do have and I will be holding until the Final settlement is etched in stone or handed down from a jury/judge.

Best of luck to everyone. If there is any hope for justice left in this world we will win.

AIMHO of course.