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10/13/10 2:28 PM

#72479 RE: Dobie Lama #72471

The company has never claimed that they have $40 million in revenues. They stated that they have a $40 million windfall.

Secondly, the FIRST flagship store of 8000inc is launching in December so until then, I would not be expecting any online ordering capabilities or for them to show any inventory on their financials.

Members who have visited with the company have received 8000inc clothing.

Right now, the only person that is important in the development in the company is the CEO, Thomas Kelly...if you email him, he responds.

Haven't you realized that the Den People stopped responding to your comments because it's pointless to have an intelligent conversation with a brick wall.

Have a good day.
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10/13/10 2:37 PM

#72495 RE: Dobie Lama #72471

well the real estate contact address in Barbados is:

Skyvillas Realty Inc.
Lot 16, Phase 2
Ellerton Gardens, St. George

And here's a google sat link view...nice quite little home community in the middle of Barbados. ;-D

Probably the salesmans home?,24791,26637,26654,26794&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=St.+George,+Barbados+maps&cp=0&,+Barbados&gl=us&ei=vPq1TJ-yNZLEsAPK6JmNCA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CB8Q8gEwAA