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10/07/10 6:09 PM

#318744 RE: jimmym4 #318743

A real wealth of knowledge it is...

And it all starts when Patrick Byrne gets a phone call from the Easter Bunny. Really, that’s what the guy calls himself - the Easter Bunny - and he talks like the Bee Gees on fast forward, a nasally frantic falsetto, on and on about some kind of conspiracy involving big time Wall Street operators, the Mafia, and a bunch of famous journalists. Somebody’s got to stop these people, the Bunny says, or the American financial system is going to come crashing to its knees. Also, the bad guys might put a bullet between the Easter Bunny’s ears.
Now, Patrick Byrne is just a CEO in Utah — he sells toasters. He doesn’t see what this has to do with him, and the Easter Bunny seems pretty weird, so he says, uh-huh, uh-huh, okey-dokey, and thinks maybe he’ll hang up the phone and go for a pastrami sandwich.
But the Easter Bunny persists. He says it’s a conspiracy, the biggest financial heist in history…look, he says, don’t believe it, but he’s going to make some predictions–and Patrick can see for himself whether they come true…

How fitting it is that a lousy, failed CEO named Patrick Byrne gets a call from the Easter Bunny unleashing his crusade to explain why NSS, not his inability of himself to manage a company, has led to the issues that OSTK has had.
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10/07/10 6:23 PM

#318746 RE: jimmym4 #318743

Pat knows where the bear chits in the woods

Pat can't even find his other ball
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10/07/10 6:32 PM

#318750 RE: jimmym4 #318743

It would appear the bear did his number right at your doorstep ... and you have stepped in it.

Pat knows where the bear chits in the woods