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Researcher Ed

10/07/10 2:15 PM

#19719 RE: cobay #19718

It depends

what message or log do you receive from you trading system?

Also who is your broker?

with TD Ameritrade since this stock is low priced (Below 5 usually get some restriction) it would be your "CASH" not buying power divided by 2.5 and that would equate your max shares you can short for that stock.
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10/08/10 4:20 PM

#19741 RE: cobay #19718

If you short SIRI, first why? There are huge things coming. Bandwidth is still a biggie.

Besides what is written below, there are so many other services that can and will be available on Sats.

One spectrum. Imagine one radio that picks up both XM and Sirius signals. Now imagine one satellite transmitting both signals. These are not pipe dreams, but actually stated goals from Liberty Media CEO Greg Maffei, which controls a 40% stake in Sirius XM through its Liberty Capital tracking stock (NASDAQ:LCAPA). He stated in late 2009 that he was excited that Sirius XM will one day be consolidating their spectrum and service, and freeing up huge amounts of spectrum for other services, possibly mobile TV, or simply leasing out its bandwidth to other entities willing to pay billions for its use. As the cell phone industry is discovering, Wi Fi and cell phone repeater towers are not the answer for mass internet streaming. The problems are enormous, and current technology makes it impossible to get to where they want to go. Not to mention the huge health risks associated with the service. Do we really want more powerful frequencies ripping through our brains just so Johnny can download a movie to his cell phone faster? Do we really want to endanger aircraft, see filings associated with WCS Coalition and the companies seeking to block this terrible deal for Americans, just so Mary can get a text message .0001 second faster? Sorry folks. You really weren’t meant to be able to download the new Black Eyed Peas song from the top of Mount Everest without satellite technology. Not without giving your entire world population cancer in the process. Satellite technology is safe, more powerful, and 100 times more efficient. Why the delay to go all satellite? No vision. Problems of today were unimaginable to the companies that went with cellular technology back then. Sirius was smart enough early to realize the importance of satellite technology. Keep in mind, the first cell phones were just becoming popular when Sirius and XM were getting off the ground.

5. Global markets. With recent acquisitions and comments from Liberty Media and Sirius XM, some type of global play seems to be well underway. What advantages Sirius XM will receive from these ventures no one is sure as of yet. However, with Liberty putting up the costs, it seems like some addition to their bottom line would be generated from this partnership. With expansion into Mexico already slated, and service in Canada years in play already now, Mel has every reason to be excited about expansion possibilities into new markets. Is Europe next?