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The Pope aka KatWoman

09/30/10 12:15 AM

#98672 RE: The Pope aka KatWoman #98671

Ken Stead to (((me))) has never said a disparaging word against anybody at Cornerstone or Cornerstone itself as I believe that kind of behavior is above his pay grade and class level. But it’s not above mine. As Warant states in my previous post Ken to this day retains friendly relations with all Cornerstone personnel including two of their geos that are now working with us.

Also you will note that McKay and Ken were the two people who started Cornerstone. And when you read this company website that has been saved from days long past, as a co-originator you would think that Ken’s name would show up as number one or number two on the list of executives. But you will note it’s way down the list. You know, Ken hasn’t said anything about this, but when I read this I put myself in Ken’s shoes and ask myself how would I feel? And I bet you, you will never hear Ken Stead say anything bad about his ex-partners with Cornerstone. And finding out the real reason Ken left I believe is one of three different reasons or a combination of the three.
1. He got no respect.
2. Cornerstone never took a chance on their own. As everybody knows Junior Explorers is a reach for the brass ring, go for it kind of business.
3. You’ll note in the last few months Cornerstone hired an outside person to audit their books. It’s like they got everybody watching everybody as is done in Vegas.

Cornerstone knew in advance of the drilling arrangement with Vale and a month or so ago they gave all the insiders an option to buy shares at twenty-something cents. To me what this means when the news hits the PPS rises, the stock gets diluted and the insiders benefit. Take your pick, one or all of the above. But you’ll never hear Ken say it. And if you read Warant an original ((seed money)) in Cornerstone, you also will never hear him say a disparaging word against Ken Stead.

The poster I am responding to earlier in my opinion speculated wrongly not knowing the facts or knowing the facts and just wanted cheaper shares. I among many have grown tired of this behavior. I hope I have helped to put this issue to bed. As not one person inside of Cornerstone has ever accused Ken Stead of any wrongdoing, why would a poster do so not even correctly knowing the proper name for Cornerstone? Too quick to judgment IMO.


09/30/10 1:13 AM

#98679 RE: The Pope aka KatWoman #98671

Wow! Great post your Eminence, that was a really good read. Almost like you dug up an old diary. So where is the rest of it? LOL


09/30/10 1:44 AM

#98682 RE: The Pope aka KatWoman #98671

OUTSTANDING POST! If this little history lesson doesn't get you excited about KATX and Ken's leadership I don't know what will. Clearly Ken knows the area like the back of his hand. This is a must read for sure!


09/30/10 2:18 AM

#98683 RE: The Pope aka KatWoman #98671

The Pope, your post # 98671 is the must read! Well done!


09/30/10 2:27 AM

#98684 RE: The Pope aka KatWoman #98671

I said in an earlier post that I bought the Company and not the pps. If what Warant said is true (and allow me my basic sceptism) we are in very good hands. I really do believe that we are on the threshold of very great things! Still underwater, but still holding...for great things---IMO. J


09/30/10 9:22 AM

#98713 RE: The Pope aka KatWoman #98671

Pope, two outstanding posts with lots of great information. A must read. :o) Great job!


09/30/10 12:57 PM

#98752 RE: The Pope aka KatWoman #98671

Hey Pope
Thanks so much for your post.
Its refreshing to find a poster who answers genuine concerns positively and without insults.
I am grateful for the DD
Onwards and upwards

Calvin Hobbes

09/30/10 6:33 PM

#98836 RE: The Pope aka KatWoman #98671

Great post POPE


09/30/10 6:47 PM

#98837 RE: The Pope aka KatWoman #98671

Copper is the third most important metal to have
been produced in Newfoundland and Labrador
(after iron and zinc), but for a while in the late 19th and
early 20th centuries it was the dominant
metallic commodity.

The Voisey’s Bay deposit alone has the capacity to
almost double the province’s historical
copper production.

Copper was first discovered in Newfoundland ca.
1776, but did not come into commercial prominence
until the discovery of the copper deposits of Notre
Dame Bay in the late 1850s. Tradition relates that this
discovery came about when a prospector identified
the ballast of a local fishing boat as copper ore. This
ushered in the Newfoundland copper boom of 1875 to
1914, during which period Newfoundland ranked, for
a while, as the world’s sixth largest copper producer........BOOM!!

Notre Dame Bay mines such as Tilt Cove (Figure 1),
Betts Cove and Little Bay, which exploited small, but
high-grade, deposits were prominent
features of this boom.

In 1928, the
focus of copper production
switched to central Newfoundland
following the discovery of
the Buchans volcanic-hosted Zn–
Cu–Pb–Au deposits. These deposits
remained in production until their eventual depletion
in 1984 and formed the major single source of copper
production in the province. A new surge of exploration
in the 1950s – 1960s led to reactivation of the
Tilt Cove and Little Bay mines (1957–1969), the
development of the Whalesback, Gullbridge and
Little Deer mines (1965–1974), and also to the discovery
of the Rambler deposits which were in production
from 1964 to 1982.

Since 1984,.....VOISEY BAY.....Voisey’s Bay total 137 000 000 RESERVES TONNS...
0.85% Cu (1 164 500); 1.65% Ni, 0.09% Co.Deposits are typically ellipsoidal
and strongly deformed. Many are associated
with high-magnesium basalts........((( HELLO RUSTY!!))......However, new
discoveries have been made at Duck Pond (1986) in
Newfoundland, and Voisey’s Bay (1994) in Labrador,
both of which are likely to come on-stream in the near
Copper is found in a number of mineralization
environments that are described below.....Tilt Cove was the
largest deposit of its type in the
Appalachian belt. Over 100 other
similar occurrences exist within the
northwestern Dunnage Zone making
this one of the most richly mineralized
parts of Newfoundland.....................

The Pope aka KatWoman

09/30/10 10:15 PM

#98868 RE: The Pope aka KatWoman #98671

Yesterday we read about Ken going fishing with Warant and Tim and Jack Z. What I learned was that a ((copper belt)) is like a regular belt or a snake. I already know about our properties being in a ((pull apart zone)), i.e. a ((fault line that pulls apart)). And according to the Department of Mines and Energy site just three areas on the Bonavista are in a ((basin)), i.e. a low-lying area, aka valley. This is where Vale derived its name.

Both Luckies North and South and the Vale claim directly to the north of the North Lucky are the only “basin style” claims according to the Newfoundland Mines site. Warant knows that Ken and Tim Stead know more about this belt mineralization, the basin aspect and this pull apart zone. All copper related discoveries on the Bonavista originate from direct work by Ken and Tim Stead. The area south along the eastern edge of the Bonavista heading south is where this belt or snake travels to. Let ((me)) tell you what I really think. It takes some time for Vale to turn this into a mine.

Whatever is there, Vale it looks now is kickin’ it into high gear. They are after the best minds who know this area better than anyone. The proof is in the pudding. No one knows this area better than Ken Stead, Tim Stead, along with two geos. During the Cornerstone days they worked on these properties with Ken and Tim.
P.S. Both these same geos now work with Kat and just joined the Board.

Here is a site that explains copperbelts and basins, aka valley mineralization.

RE: CLIFTON: Did we miss this? I just noticed this description on the Clifton page and this: 2010 Exploration program has been initiated. Also, it is interesting that it mentions the Rusty and Luckies in the same breath. Maybe, just maybe, we hit the grand slam and have a big announcement about Vale . . . the Luckies, Rusty,and the Clifton. ?


The 100% owned, 8650 hectare (346 claims), road accessible, KAT Exploration Inc. Clifton property, situated on the Bonavista Peninsula, eastern Newfoundland, Canada is comprised of copper-bearing Late Precambrian to Cambrian sedimentary and volcanic rocks assigned to the Avalon Zone and occurring within the same regional stratigraphy as the company’s Rusty Ridge and recently optioned Lucky properties, located northwest and northeast respectively.

Historic exploration prior to KAT’s staking of the Clifton property included regional geological mapping, lake sediment and till sampling surveys conducted by the provincial government and 2001-2004 industry assessment consisting of prospecting, geological mapping, lake sediment and soil sampling with limited follow-up of Cu, As, Pb and Co lake anomalies.

Numerous copper mineral indications and showings in outcrop and float occur as veins, stringers, blebs and disseminations primarily as chalcocite, chalcopyrite and malachite with some pyrite association.
Three mineralizing environments may exist on the property: (1) sediment-hosted stratiform copper (SSC), (2) volcanic redbed copper (VRC) and (3) iron-oxide-copper-gold (IOCG). SSC-VRC-related copper was found by the previous explorer in clastic ‘redbed-greybed’ sedimentary rocks and basalts. Mineralized, brecciated, hematite felsic volcanic was located at the same time. KAT, 2010, recognized the possibility of an overlooked IOCG aspect - association of hematite, breccias, copper sulphides and aeromagnetic expression of the volcanic unit; recent prospecting has located additional mineralization which may have IOCG and VRC affiliations. Geological settings and mineralization styles require field validation.

The 2010 exploration program has been initiated with the implementation of an assessment report compilation to prioritize targets and procure work permits for evaluation of this underexplored early stage grassroots property.,%202010.pdf

The Pope aka KatWoman

10/01/10 8:35 PM

#99094 RE: The Pope aka KatWoman #98671