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09/29/10 5:57 PM

#36890 RE: deeboe #36889

Nothing earth shattering there, what you are saying applies to nearly every stock. With no news, stocks can stagnate. However, what I'm saying is that this stock is not like most stocks because the news that will come out is (1) a game changer (2) can come out at any moment any day (3) you will miss the boat if you don't own shares when the news hits or you will be chasing at many times higher prices. Thus, my logic why it may not selloff, but who knows.


09/29/10 6:02 PM

#36891 RE: deeboe #36889

You might want to revise your view to short term. The long term has already happened.


09/29/10 6:42 PM

#36895 RE: deeboe #36889

Save me money? Help me strengthen my position by selling now?
And why,because you "think" its gowing to trade lower? PLLLLLEEEEEAAASE!
Where were you at .03 and under when we were building our positions? I didn't notice you pounding the table for us to buy.
Guess what? Its over 3 bags higher now. You think I am nervous?
The clock is ticking louder everyday and I hold an immense pile of shares that have appreciated substantially.
Folks 'round here don't need advice like that.


09/29/10 7:40 PM

#36897 RE: deeboe #36889

The reason your friend got taken was because the Daic parties have been trying to take the patents. Things have changed substantially since the new BOD took over. We now have someone looking out for our investment. You see some people that have held as long as your friend don't believe they will ever get their money back. The problem is we are dealing with a different set of circumstances now. The new BOD drew a line in the sand with the Daic parties and have been following a course they outlined in their SEC filing back around the first part of the year. So, I would say you and your friend need to change your mind set. This is not the same company that has been hampered by the Daic parties of the past. The new Calypso is trying to purge themselves of these negative influences. As I have said many times, THE DAIC PARTIES HAVE DONE NOTHING TO ENHANCE SHAREHOLDER VALUE IN THE PAST SIX YEARS. The only time the share price got into the .50 range was in 2007 when the view was that we might get rid of the Daic parties. We now have the situation where we might be rid of them once and for all and also have a possible shot at getting a deal with Tmob. So I'm not really sure that the wider audience out there completely understands the very positive events that have transpired since the new BOD took over in 2009. There has been a huge pile of garbage they have had to deal with and their efforts can be seen in this latest attempt to negotiate with Tmob, which in my opinion is where we should have been all along. From the information available on this site, you can see the data that Calypso has been thwarted in several attempts to get together with Tmob prior to the Federal Case and since the Federal Case. The only impediment seems to have been the Daic parties. Thankfully that era is about to end.

I'm telling your friend that .50 will look like chump change. You won't be able to get into this stock south of $$dollars.

Deer Slayer 9791

09/29/10 9:40 PM

#36902 RE: deeboe #36889

Excellent Post. Everyone has an opinion and you should stand behind it no matter what others think. I have had CLYW since 2003 and agree with your analysis. If everyone thinks that you are wrong about it going down and are confident in it staying at the current levels but continue to say they would add more at .05 then why not add more at the current levels? Again, do not let a few (3) dictate your post.

And by the way I am not allowed to post more than two per day....the moderators have restricted my opinion.

Ok..the Admin has restricted my post at the request of the moderators....