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09/22/10 11:14 AM

#218556 RE: Soccerlogical #218553

OMG!!!!!! Soccerlogical...Welcome to the darkside!!Congrats!!
you have finally posted something that is correct and I personally
could not agree with you more..!!Now we just wait for poptech
to post{as he has in the past} that Neomedia will ONLY SURVIVE
through INDIRECT and once again he will be wrong!! thank you


09/22/10 11:28 AM

#218557 RE: Soccerlogical #218553


If NeoMedia was a campaign manager, like Scanbuy, that would make sense.

NeoMedia is currently an IP provider so there is no profit for them in direct encoding. They can't license direct encoding.

NeoMedia used to be a campaign manager and back then it would have made sense not to lock their offerings into the confines of their patents.

I agree it might be time for them to rethink how they can incorporate direct encoding by adapting their business plan.