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02/17/05 11:48 AM

#5721 RE: angiesman1 #5718

angiesman1, rocky...very good observations

Your little opinion has BIG impact with me.

And Rocky, you are right. Technology changes every day. Just like the s/p of GTEL.

The question is, I guess: How much can GTEL participate and contribute to the change and when?

(And how much money can they make along the way?)


02/17/05 11:52 AM

#5722 RE: angiesman1 #5718

WiMax vs Strat

" Usage of the 802.16 standard of WiMax requires a global upgrade on the user-end as a vast majority are now @ 802.11b/g"

I agree with you 100%. I think you hit a nail on the head.
Going with current standard makes an easier transition then having everyone upgrade their routers to 802.16 which could take yrs and lots of money which not all have. I do realize however that startards change year by year from a to b to g so that might be inevitable.

"Also, I don't see WiMax as THE answer, due to its range of 3-30 miles. The stratellite has a range of 300,000 sq miles."

Also the range, cost and diversification of applications that can be used on strat is way bigger advantage then WiMax.

I think we have a winner here as long as GTEL can make this idea float.