>"I will plant grass between rows."
Hey Excel,
Between the rows of what looks to be an excellent garden, why not put only wood chips between the rows? I recommend a thick layer. Follow my reasoning.
First, over time the wood chips will rot and turn to dirt. This is a slow process of composting and will benefit the soil. At that point, you would repeat of process of layering the rows with wood chips.
Secondly, the wood chips between the rows will prevent weed formation, a definite benefit to your garden.
I have a row of grass between my garden beds on my neighbor's former lawn. She has finally relented and agrees with me that the wood chips would be better, as crab grass develops and grows into the garden beds.
I have another neighbor who has followed this wood chip process for 30 years. He adds wood chips between the rows yearly. His garden is so healthy and the size of his vegetables are enormous. In fact, his leeks look shells for a bazooka!
Just a suggestion.
I would kill for your property.