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09/14/10 3:45 PM

#316906 RE: jb1967lbk #316848

I got the idea that he had come to grips with being a victim of UC. How and when did he get roped into the Al Hodges idiocy?

hmm CW always seem like a faithful kool-aid drinker to me.


I believe in full disclosure, so...
« Thread Started Today at 1:54pm »

I want you to know that I have not had coffee with Al Hodges or been treated to a massage or given gifts in order to sway the way I co-Moderate this board.

I know there are some rumors floating around out there that Al Hodges and his compadre, Dennis Smith have canoodled with and have shared java with Manny Flinn and perhaps others in order to manipulate and keep their board members in-line and drinking the Hodges Kooaide.

I know that Chuckwheat has deleted my thread on CMKX United which calls into question this practice and his intimate relationship with Mr. Hodges and Plaintiffs..Rather than confront the issue and make a statement, he has chosen to deny my Constitutional Right of Free Speech and has removed my topic from existence..Sad, sad day for the Constitution, which I have served to protect.

But you can rest assured that here..on this board, we don't schmooze with Plaintiffs and we don't canoodle with compadre's. We cannot be bought with Caramel Mocha Lates and Bear Claws...(If it were Slim Jim's and a sixpack of Yuengling Lager, maybe) and we aren't going to hurd you like sheep into the Hodges camp!

The lengths that people go to in order to control the mindshare of the masses is disturbing and it will eventually come back to bite Mr. Flinn and Mr. Wheat. But until that time we will have to combat stupidity with reason, insanity with straight jackets and keep moving forward toward the truth.

(4:32 PM) ChuckWheat:

(4:35 PM) ChuckWheat: new comment from Pongo to Gus: It has come to our attention that the blackout in the media started with the Russian TV segment. You may have almost singlehandedly enabled us to get paid... You put the pressure on that produced that result !!! Kudos my hard working, patriot friend. We all owe you debt of gratitude.