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02/11/05 3:28 PM

#12465 RE: SirFelix #12464

David~tftr~I can only hope along with you that the ducks really ARE in a row at this stage. What gave me some confidence was the continuing orders and acceptance of the product line. That confidence has ceased at this time.

Maybe it would help if you think of this company as one year old, and the past business plans as Chap 11 failures. I think we are lucky to still have our shares and we do have Kelly to thank for that. Any other CEO would have "flipped" the charter along with the symbol many times by now.

The questions are: Will Kelly succeed with this latest plan? What is the company's ultimate goal/product that they are willing to endure longterm? Is the business plan sending them in the right direction now or it this just another trial and error?

I don't know if thinking a failed past with a hopeful future is the answer. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Does anyone know if VTSI will attend at the March 23-24, 2005 TREXPO West Exposition in Long Beach, California?

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Paul P

02/11/05 4:20 PM

#12470 RE: SirFelix #12464

<<<Any other CEO would have "flipped" the charter along with the symbol many times by now.>>>

No way, Felix. He's the largest shareholder, and anyone in his shoes would have done the same. Like he said on the conference call, he hopes to be selling his shares someday. (not cancelling them)


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Paul P

02/11/05 4:26 PM

#12471 RE: SirFelix #12464

<<<"My "gut" is saying "something ain't right" and frankly am at a loss as to what that might be.">>>

I'll tell you exactly what it is. I've been telling you for months. They have a technology in search of products and products in search of markets, and none of those markets are very big.

I hope for everyone's sake that I'm very wrong here, but that's how it looks to me.
