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08/26/10 8:08 PM

#3217 RE: trevorbc #3215

My thoughts...feeble as they may be, are:

*It's comforting to see the words "no concern" w/regards to the TQD patent approval.

*Looking at the history of other solar stocks, I think it safe to assume that once the patent is approved, a mere .10cents/shr will never be seen again.

*I'm not all that savvy on Access2Flow's scope-of-work & capabilities....but from the little I do understand, it looks like their main area of expertise (w/regard to 'our' needs) lies in the design & making of 'reactors' for industrial-scale mass-production of TQDots. Perhaps these reactors could be used for other applications as well....say for instance, things like mass-producing a wide variety of nano-fullerenes of varying compositions, characteristics & chemistry. If so, perhaps our dibs on any proprietary knowledge coming out of the Access2Flow work on our behalf 'could' potentially be quite lucrative....perhaps even beyond our TQDot needs, in the form of licensing this tech to others.
That's enough of that on my end...I'm getting out of 'my' area of 'semi-'expertise & am in danger of putting my foot in my mouth.

Just my opinion.



08/27/10 12:43 AM

#3224 RE: trevorbc #3215

Trevorbc; Following-up on my earlier supposition (thoughts),
perhaps (just, 'perhaps') the developing reactor tech coming-out of QTMM's
association w/ Access2Flow [to which, QTMM has exclusive rights to] could
conceivably be utilized for something like this PR I found today from the
Imperial College of London.....which co-incidentally [?], is the same institution
that shows Dr.Jabbour as having a "Visiting Professor" status with (see my post#3138).
*PR link:

Just a 'thought' your own DD