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08/26/10 10:10 AM

#232938 RE: speculator777 #232932

Speculator777:"I can't remember"

The correct term is "misremembered"

This is too funny......First we have do not have a sale finalized and we know misremembered where we put documents. I think there is more pressure than you think.

FDIC is looking at this and saying we are looking better and better everyday this goes on.....


08/26/10 10:10 AM

#232940 RE: speculator777 #232932

To speculattor777: thanks for your very thought provoking (and frightening) response to my post. Although I used to agree that Rosen's DS/POR was inconfirmable due to the absence of valuation data, I was always REAL uneasy about the confidence I had in maintaining that position. Rosen and his firm didn't rise to the pinnacle of the bankruptcy pyramid by filing hopelessly deficient DS/PORs. I also assumed that he had a trick or two, or some special legal gizmo that he would deploy at the last moment in order to get his DS/POR across the finish line. But now, with TPS in the fight, I don't have to worry about that legal gizmo. That's why TPS is important to me. They give my sense of confidence some badly needed backup.

Your other point about JPM not being afraid of depositions is somewhat frightening. If we are facing a company that can pull off an EPIC financial crime, and refuse to turn-over documents that might tend to prove such a crime, and make a mockery of depositions, all in the face of a federal judge's rulings, then we are all in very big trouble.

The happy thought is that who cares if "JPM" isn't afraid. I'm banking on that mid-to-senior-level manager/officer who is beginning (just beginning) to see visions of a federal lock-up in his/her dreams, and has reached the conclusion that the only way in which to dispel those nightmares is to give the attorneys the information that they are seeking.

Be well


08/26/10 10:11 AM

#232941 RE: speculator777 #232932

777 -- From your depositions comment, I am curious as to what happens if this actually occurs and depositions produce nothing. Eventually SOME nombers will have to come out. If WMI/JPM/FDIC won't produce them, that leaves EC/TPS/Solomon/Examiner. I have to agree that the other parties won't be able to object to them without raising some serious eyebrows from the judge. The case can't go on forever. Assuming this POS POR/DS gets shot down, I would assume that EC would file one once they had numbers. Assuming the numbers are what we think they are, wouldn't it have to be approved, since everyone involved would be paid? How does FDIC vote -- Do they get one vote? Do shareholders get to vote each of there shares or each shareholder 1 vote? If anyone would object to a settlement where everyone gets paid, how can anyone object? If there are objections, I assume THJMW can approve it anyway.