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Santa Barbara Broker

08/25/10 4:05 PM

#79158 RE: Sud13 #79150

Sud, yes EXPH does have a "place" like most pink sheet companys, where you can go and see what "is happening". In this instance, they manufacture cabinetry in order to drain money from shareholder's through their G&A expenses and pass them along to the principals so they have a bunch of neat places to go see what "is happening". Big piles of wood. Shiny machines, the lot. A lot of scams are software or mineral and oil scams where they only need to maintain an office to appear legitimate.

I'm not exactly certain what is considered a "HUGE outstanding & authorized share count like other pinksheet companies". I consider two billion shares authorized with about 99% of that outstanding fairly huge. Perhaps you refer to the hundreds of failed pinks out there that were reduced to shells by issuing 3 or 4 or 10 billion shares? Did you know your company has already done a R/S? There are as many tricks to keep a pink sheet company looking legitimate as there are pink sheet companies.

EXPH goes to extraordinary lengths to put on the show that it is trying to run a legitimate company. But all you have to do is go back and go through their financials to see why the company was taken public to begin with to know that the odds of it ever becoming a "legitimate, profit earning company" are next to none. And I don't know exactly how long you believe EXPH's "own time" is going to take for them to get started. They started in 2000 as D&D Displays and have lost money through at least June 30, 2009 every year they've been in business. They only reason they are in business IMHO is that they took a near bankrupt D&D Displays public to foist the mistakes and huge debt onto the backs of their shareholders. Nothing appears to have changed, but I suppose there is a one in a million chance I'm wrong, LOL.

Enjoy yourself. You have hit that rarest of rare scams. One who has had back to back annual P&Ds. I hope you make a bunch of ching, but please don't start with the "legitimate company" nonsense. This will all soon be over and reality will reassert itself with a vengence. Enjoy the ride while you can. IMHO.