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08/22/10 10:21 PM

#197981 RE: lugan #197980


In my youth, there was a then old phrase, "Fifty Million Frenchman can't be wrong!!!", but, of course, they can.

FWIW -- I believe that 24601 is essentially correct with his 100,000 shares. If that is so, however, a lot of those "extra" 20 million are options for long time investors and the shares held by employees and former employees. As we become a more normal operating company day-by-day, everything else becomes more normalized as well.

I, for one, am going to take a long hard breath and WAIT for more information before I think about the appropriate market cap for 2015.

I want to see if any or all of those 65 million legacy systems become $60 licensees, whether eSign has a real take off potential, whether Wave has a role with Intel that McAfee can or cannot easily displace, whether the ENTIRE federal government is joining the Trusted Computing Group. There are just too many unknowns IMO to decide, or even think about where to sell. So I'll simply assume it's underpriced until MANAGEMENT gives me reason to think otherwise --- and then I can decide whether to trust the guys I've trusted for too many years.

I do hope people try to write posts that shed light, not heat.
