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08/20/10 1:29 PM

#13197 RE: IH Geek [Warren] (former) #13188

Posted by: Diabolus Date: Friday, August 20, 2010 1:10:49 PM
In reply to: FineWineFella who wrote msg# 97444 Post # of 97475

"I've never had a speeding ticket. I don't drink. I haven't had sex before marriage."

This is a tragic tale of woe that has touched many of us and has energized the entire iHub community. Therefore, it is with great pleasure I announce the launch of the Let's Get FineWineFella Drunk and Laid Fund.
And what the hell, we'll throw in a fast rental car too.

Please help us end the scourge of virgin teetotalism. Send your contributions (cash only, please) to Churak, c/o The Jailhouse.