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08/18/10 5:32 PM

#343 RE: RobC #342

To Rob, Tinroad and the others who take the time to post balanced informative commentary on this thread, thanks. I'm on the other side of the world in a nuclear-free zone. Shame really as we could do with some of AEHI's technology down here, but unfortunately it messes with our "clean, green" image. Personally, it doesn't faze me one bit. Nuclear is the future, and AEHI is at the vanguard. This is my first foray into US stocks, so was naturally somewhat concerned about the horror stories you hear about the OTC pinks etc. I don't believe any of that applies with AEHI for one reason - management credentials are second to none. As for the business model and potential revenue streams, it's worth listening to Don Gillespie's chat on It's on the AEHI company website under "In the News", posted June 9. Well worth the time and lays everything out in clear detail.

Chat soon.
