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08/17/10 9:47 AM

#3371 RE: gmjones99 #3370

Look there is no question in my mind what Ronn did…my mean damn---I talked to him and e-mailed him back and forth about this reverse split subject…I am simply disgusted and cannot make it any clearer…

Concerning the stock, I am doing nothing. I have some (probably misguided hope) that the difference between Ronn and the company that most agree has a good and needed product will somehow pull the stock through the weeks or months after the R/S has happened…Honestly now I just don’t know.

I see my only obligation here as insuring that those who do their DD on Connectyx or Ronn in the future are made aware of what he told me and what he did and of course what my personal opinion is of a CEO who runs his corporation as if it was his very own personal sole proprietorship and had no moral, ethical or fiduciary duties to his minority shareholders…..CEOS like Ronn do more harm to the integrity of the market that the big time hustlers….because CEOS like Ronn hit the little people and hit them hard….good luck to all---hope to see you on another board some day.


08/17/10 9:52 AM

#3372 RE: gmjones99 #3370

Bottom Line - Post Split

gmjones you make some very good points. Bottom line Ronn will be selling shares left and right. I figure he has collected at most a couple hundred thousand dollars during the first dump working with the MM's getting the highest price possible. Of course this represents a months plus worth of work (manipulation) and several hundred million shares.

I figure Ronni thinks he better get what he can now!!! Versus what we would all believe, create value and profits first then equity finance later at a higher shareprice, he seems desperate.
That said, based on current investor sentiment it may take him several weeks to perform his evil deed. Oh, he will flood postive PR's trying to instill a false confidence and attract new victims to his laire. He will allocate shares to pumpers (individuals and stock promotion sites). Just realize this, he has been pumping PR's now for two years and see where it has got you so far. He spends more time duping and selling the retail investor and financiers than he does selling the MedFlash product. If an investor has the slightest desire to be a part of the MedFlash product, I wouldn't consider buying for atleast 60 days post split.

Let the dust settle and see the volume drop off. Avoid the swings of the MM's. Believe me Ronni and the MM's will make money, we as retail investors will not.

Ronn Must GO!!!

Let the partners and sponsers of MedFlash know what he did. Do not shop from any of those places anymore. Email the companies telling them you wont go to there stores or sites and why!!!