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08/13/10 2:46 PM

#229608 RE: WithCatz #229604

point taken. i guess of the two possibilities, i.e., bombard, or not bombard, i'll take heads, then.


11/04/10 9:12 PM

#250090 RE: WithCatz #229604

i guess the low, passive road didnt work this time around. [yet again]

perhaps we should have inundated JH, and/or the equity committee/Steve Susman with info as we previously suggested.

maybe even a few heart felt letters, which included a few F-bombs, may have gotten the pot boiling a tad more.

hell, all we had to do actually, was send em all a link to the IBOX.

still hard for me to grasp, that all of us idiots here, are more knowledgeable, and privy to more info than these chaps knocking down the big iron.

speaking of F-bombs, maybe its time to have a few well placed ones sent to THJMW. time she wakes up and smells the coffee.

one thing i learned long ago, is its much better dealing from a position of strength, than one of weakness.

sadly, we arent that strong at the moment.