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02/04/05 11:04 AM

#4705 RE: muskyhunter11 #4704

I can't speak for rocky, but my take on this is if this company wasn't legit why would nasa, airforce plus many more show an interest in them, as far as the amount of shares thats a drop in the bucket,and I dissagree that they have nothing show for the investment. I belive being listed on bb has slowed investment and I belive thats why Huff is working to get us on the amex....just my thoughts on it, your friend will loose out....good luck
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02/04/05 11:36 AM

#4708 RE: muskyhunter11 #4704

I can't speak for Mr. Rocky nor Speaka english properly, but my take on this is go GTEL!!!!. I don't care what other say or question about GTEL fishy or legit.. All i know is that GTEL made money back for me when i lost a huge amount of money with other unligit stock, like TFCY use to be tfct, AGRIE ( use to be agri ), and LBTN ( use to be lbti ) and some other amex crappy stock et.c

make a quick story short.

I'm new to this game ok, and my initial investment was about 45K for a bunch of other stock and GTEL ok. I have been playing the game for about 8 months now ok, about 2 short months ago my 45K investment went to south and in my porfolio have about 16K left ok.. I was shtting in my pain at the time you know. So anyway, in 2 short months i was able to swing GTEL and was able to made my money back from other stock lost.

Now, all of my money is in GTEL 100%. You can say that i'm a gambler, but I feel that out of all the stock i play, GTEL is the only one that I'm happy with right now at this moment, and i'm willing to take the risk, but remmmerber that if this baby take off.. I'll probably pay off my mortgage and may get me a nice Hummer..

Good luck to all and go GHEL all the way, Nope i mean GTEL :)
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02/04/05 11:54 AM

#4710 RE: muskyhunter11 #4704


I will start by saying I think your friend is taking a rear view mirror look at GTEL. GTEL is just now as we speak coming into a grow up phase that management has worked to accomplish for the last 3 years. I will do my best to answer your questions..rock

"The Globetel model has been tried before. Globestar failed miserably."

I did not spend a whole lot of time researching this company. I don't see where it is exactly what GTEL is doing and I am not sure why they failed..Management or 100 other reasons could be the reason....

""GTEL has come upu with $29 million and they don't have anything to show for it.""

Not sure if he is using revenues or monies borrowed but will respond anyway. Through out the fourth qtr of 2004 GTEL have revs averaging $1MM per week. Most of this from carrier traffic which does not have high margins. Implementation of value added products and programs will provide for higher margins and as projected profitability by the end of June 2005. These revenues are derived from many partnerships all over the world. The recent asset purchase of Sanswire technology will be used to forward the ultimate goal of the last mile solution. With NASA and the military involved it could possibly expedite the STRAT technology and possibly produce core revenues if the military places an order. GTEL also has a 73% interest in CGI from Australia that when listed on the ASX will increase asset base subtantially. We have top notch staff in place in each business division. To say we have nothing to show for the last 3 years would be a mistake, imo. To expect huge happenings in the develop stage of an OTC company is not being realistic. Huff is where he wants to be right now as all things worked on will now come to fruition. From this point forward is how the stock will be gauged..

How can they afford to put a blimp in orbit?
It's not a blimp but I guess that isn't your
If you look at the existing partnerships in Australia and South America you will see the funding costs are paid by the partner. Pay up front and we will ship you a STRAT, help you set up and take 45% of the ongoing revenues...

"In 2003 The execs gave themselves 50-60 thousand shares at .015/share- that sounds fishy to me."

50-60 Million would be much closer. The management team at GTEL does not get paychecks. They are and have been working for over 3 years for stock!!!! Nothing fishy about that. To accept stock in lieu of cash gives you a pretty good idea of where the insiders think we are going. Why pay in stock? Obvious answer is we will not be profitable for about 5 months yet. Financing is the HARDEST obstacle to overcome in starting a company/vision. Everyone wants all they can get plus your first born child. From this quarter forward I see the crossroads at hand. Better financing will be more available as we move forward. The future of better financing was adressed in latest placement PR which included this quote from Huff.
"finished by stating, "This placement, which had significant
demand from institutional investors, will allow us to more
aggressively go after the share of the markets we are in."

"If this were a legit company, they would have major investors and
venture capitalists all over them and you and I wouldn't be able to invest until way down the road."

This statement is valid from this time forward, not the past 3 years. Time will tell if the statement applies. With upcoming summit and scheduled prototype launch parts of that statement could possibly be near.

SUMMARY: It took much hard work, expense and good management to get where GTEL stands right now. It is this time forward that management has always stated "things will happen". If end 2006 rev projections stay on course of $250MM coupled with 6 qtrs. of profitability(all this with out any STRAT revs) I believe the "rear view mirror" look may be much different..all in my opinion...good luck...rock

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02/04/05 12:15 PM

#4711 RE: muskyhunter11 #4704 click it and read for yourself.

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02/04/05 5:54 PM

#4722 RE: muskyhunter11 #4704

muskyhunter, in case you missed my response to your RB post...... Rocky provided a much more detailed-type response for your friend, but I prefer the "NOW what do you have to say?" approach. LOL Either way, best of luck. And don't let the Raging Bull cold shoulder/everybody's-a-basher brigade bother you. There are some good folks over there, but your timing this morning was such that you happened to run across a few "pinwheels and nimrods", if you will. :) Take care. Steve