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08/10/10 11:42 PM

#85395 RE: balihi #85387

If that was his point, or who ever oringally wrote it, which I am quite sure wasn't him but thats a whole nother story that we wont be getting into at all, it's really not a big deal what so ever.

The only people who will see that story are people who follow Vale on Reuters site. And yes, in that case for those people, it would be considered "new" to them.

The more important point is to put this in proper perspective. An option agreement with a small jr mine exploration company is of no importance to Vales shareholders, which is why Vale them selfs has never released a PR about it.

If this was a JV with us, then it would be a different story, and Vale would issue a PR to it's shareholders about it, as it would then be worth some value to them, possibly alot if there is alot of copper there.

The problem is, this is just an option agreement. It gives Vale the rights to drill our property and do work on it. That doesn't mean they will or that they have to. Obviously they will mostlikely do work on it, but it doesn't mean they will. But thats pretty beside the point, as I am sure they will in the future. But the big the to rember is, even after they do work on it, that doesn't mean they will actually enter into a JV with us or anything like that if they for some reason don't like what they will find. Also, this is a 3 year deal, meaning they have 3 full years to do work on it, and it's up to them when they start.

As I stated before, this is a very big deal for KATX shareholders, but for shareholder of a 130 billion dollar company, it's not a big deal at all. Again, for some reason some people are trying to twist this into being some type of epic deal for Vale, but it's not. They sign 100s of these option agreements every single year. Some pan out, some don't. The big deal for Vale will be if they find lots of copper on Lucky and sign a JV with KATX. Until then, this is of no real interest to their shareholders. To shareholders of KATX however, it's a very big deal and something very worth getting excited over.