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02/03/05 12:42 AM

#4640 RE: Russ #4638

good points!

in layman terms, gtel is selling in virgin territory where the money is--and existing infrastructure must remain $viable(i.e possibility of plc/bpl)

i can remember not too long ago(15 years) how the cellular game was played---you had 2 players in a given market--this market might consist of two counties comprised of (2or3) cell sites and multiple towers(along with repeaters)--these guys owned the towers--lets have one player be "bell mobile" and the other be"cellular one"--it got pretty tough out there--then came the resellers--too make a long story short, this is were we are today

towers are property--owning them gives you the right to say who can use them--for a profit of course

thanks for the input
