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Zeev Hed

10/08/02 7:33 PM

#348 RE: Koikaze #347

Frankly, I am very disappointed in the current administration, such lack of imagination. They are laboring for months trying to find a causus belli to take Saddam out, and they have it before them for years. All they need to do is go to international tribunal in de Hague, get an indictment against Saddam for committing crimes against humanity by using weapons of mass destruction, particularly chemical weapons against Iran and against the Kurds in his own country. Failure of the Iraqi government to deliver the indicted party would justify sending a force in (and it does not have to be 500,000 people) and bring Saddam to the tribunal by force. Milosowic crimes pale relative to what Saddam has done, and an indictment will be the legal background necessary. No precedence of "regime change" by an outside force in a sovereign country would be created and the world will be much more peaceful.
