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07/25/10 9:33 PM

#107998 RE: Linchuck #107994

I don't think Bay ever wanted to be on the Mets. If the team was playing better, he probably would have adjusted better. Francouer wants out and it's probably for the same reason.

Just from what I hear locally, I don't think it's the friendliest atmosphere in the clubhouse.


07/26/10 11:27 AM

#108007 RE: Linchuck #107994

we'll see on bay I hope he does better, at this point I'm hoping his career path is carlos beltran 1rst year in a mets uniform, and not the way of alomar. There is almost no way he can fix this season, he can still have a good mets career, but as of right now this is a huge bust. I'm tired of saying he is going to hit based upon his past performance, i was saying that, and I still believe that, but now I don't want to believe any more I want to see results. There is no way a team that has reyes, beltran, bay, and wright 4 all star caliber players should struggle to this extent, for this long of period. Heck a 6 or 7 game stretch I understand but a 16 game stretch being this consitently bad is absurd. Keep in mind Pagan has had an excllent season, and davis has hit 14 homers, so this team in my opinion has no excuses too be this bad offensively.

As for willie I was never a huge fan, although I have to admit I'm souring a little bit on Manuel because although I think he is a solid manager the team is simply not performing, I mean if it was the pitching I would understand this slump more. But it is not. All is just my opinion, and I could always be wrong though.