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07/22/10 10:54 AM

#20847 RE: Chemic76spirit #20842

I have dealt with governmental agencies in my business career and each person in the governmental agency has their own way of thinking and their own agenda and their own goals to reach their desired career path. The differences within each agency and the different personell makes predicting what they will want from the public almost a total unknown. Dean spent a lot of time jumping thru hoops for an FDA review team that was more interested in covering their butts than approving the submission or helping IMGG get a product to market. I see no evidence that "Dean screwed up." I see a frustrated CEO doing everything possible to gain an FDA approval. He is now working with a more confident and capable review team with totally different review team members from the original delay team.

You assume that all governmental agencies and employees are equally capable, and that is most pointedly not the case. Based on Dean's CC with the NEW FDA review team, I believe Dean is doing what he deems necessary to help the NEW team understand and eventuall approve the DVis. He is making progress and I believe approval will occur soon. I can not agree with your assessment that Dean is, in effect, dishonest and covering his own butt. I think he is doing a good, honest and open and above board job in the face of FDA governmental beaurocracy and investor's taking cheep shots at him and IMGG to try to lower the share price. Good luck with that, by the way.

I think we are closer than ever to a positive resolution of the FDA submission. Nothing that Dean has done makes me think otherwise. I see Dean's actions as honest and sensible. Your opinions and motivation, however, I question.
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07/22/10 11:12 AM

#20852 RE: Chemic76spirit #20842

I, on the other hand, do not have such a positive spin on this, and do not want to thank Dean. 80% of why I am in this stock is due to Dean's past performance with other FDA submittals. I could bash for days on the complete record of this submittal, but I won't. That's what Sano is here for. The big question for me is how in the bloody heck did Dean send images in a format the FDA does not have the ability to open? For me there are only 2 explanations. One is he did not pay attention to the requirements the FDA imposes on this type of submittal. Not good, this explanation reeks of the possibility that Dean approached this submittal with an, "I've done this before, and it's a piece of cake", type of attitude. Not appropriate when you are dealing with other people's money !!! The second explanation for me is that the whole "we sent images in a format they could not open" is either untrue, or more than likely, only a small piece of a bigger truth. Either way I am not impressed. He is either being transparent and honest here and has to admit to a big blunder or it is a false transparency. Note, all of the above is my opinion derived from what I have heard from the latest Money TV spot. I do not claim to have any facts that prove my opinions correct. I beg the Kool Aid drinkers to please set me straight on this because right now I am feeling very negative about this investment. Thank you...
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07/22/10 11:32 AM

#20860 RE: Chemic76spirit #20842


Unanswered Question:

What FOUR approvals did Dean previously push through?

Can somebody give this information please?

We hear it over and over, but what has he previously brought to approval?