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Replies to #264608 on Monk's Den


07/15/10 8:23 PM

#264609 RE: jim1234 #264608 takes a real man to stand up and take public responsibility for his actions. I am sorry to hear you are back to square one :(

I believe that everything happens for a reason...perhaps you sharing your experience will help others to stop and think about what the consequences might be should they make the same decision...and I feel certain that today you are probably one of the stronger members of this team so, welcome back!



07/15/10 8:23 PM

#264610 RE: jim1234 #264608

Thank you. I have been waiting a long time for that. You and I had our moments, both good and bad, but I believe that you have learned that the Den is for real. And to those that told you to flip, I extend a big F-U. You know who you are. And I don't care if they are a fake cowgirl or a waterfall. For any that have a problem with that, come see me.


07/15/10 8:27 PM

#264611 RE: jim1234 #264608

for some reason you didnt post this at eigh. please post this there. if you sold 3.2m, they deserve to know. some eigh investors i know only read the eigh board and would probably want to read this.


07/15/10 8:33 PM

#264613 RE: jim1234 #264608

well, if you learned anything, you learned it the hard way.. which is often the most effective way


07/15/10 8:33 PM

#264614 RE: jim1234 #264608

i appreciate the apology, and i will say that i am very disappointed in the people that stalled us out by selling these shares. i do hope you learned the lesson, cause its a lesson you all forced upon many of us as well.


07/15/10 8:36 PM

#264615 RE: jim1234 #264608

I think this is a classy effort on your part, Alan. And I'm sure it is appreciated by many.


07/15/10 8:37 PM

#264617 RE: jim1234 #264608

Still can't believe you lost all that.. If I even come close to $50,000.. I will be at probably 4 monkinars and won't touch anything else until after I am comfortable in the Monk way of trading the F's..

And to clarify my "screw you post." I meant that as two friends/coworkers would say it to each other with a nudge on the arm kind of way. Welcome back, but screw you man.. LOL And I am impressed that you can admit your folly. You obviously were not the only one who sold, but at least have the balls to admit it.. :-D

Ps, you can help make it up to me by sending me a new lawn mower.. Mine was stolen and I can't afford to replace it.. :-(


07/15/10 8:41 PM

#264620 RE: jim1234 #264608

Well I would be lying if I didn't say I was disappointed, but it is what it is...I would say that many have been hurt by the delay and the stall that this put in the FLD process..I would also add the biggest disappointment would be the other Den member that may have suggested selling to you...I will add there is a time and place when these things will be handled with this person or people...take that to the bank...


07/15/10 8:44 PM

#264628 RE: jim1234 #264608

I bought some of those 60s... I'll sell them back to you for a buck :-)

Dickie Randall

07/15/10 8:46 PM

#264631 RE: jim1234 #264608

Thanks for telling us.Carry on...


07/15/10 8:57 PM

#264650 RE: jim1234 #264608

Very big of you to finally man-up Alan,
Although I am still PISSED, I appreciate
your honesty. Perhaps you have started


Ex Blockman

07/15/10 9:00 PM

#264653 RE: jim1234 #264608

Hello Alan,

You already know that I accepted your apology a while back. I also didn't hold anything against you after your apology. I've also let a few know that I've worked with you on a couple of stocks that you were since you sold your CDIV and EIGH. That might have saved you a few dollars, and I was glad to help you. I hope it helped you to understand what the REAL TEAM members are about and how we try each other, instead of stabbing everyone else in the back. As to you being solely responsible for selling, that is also big of you to say. But many of us know what is and has been going on with some 'mentoring' behind the scenes.

Welcome back!


07/15/10 9:20 PM

#264668 RE: jim1234 #264608

Thanks for your apology Alan. Yes, it is true that your selling temporarily killed the momentum in Eigh and for sure the potential squeeze in CDIV. The fact that you lost a lot of money is truly karma in it's finest form. Greed is good but not when it hurts the team and it often hurts the perpetrator. WE depend on each OTHER!!!!! It's a lesson to learn that this team is very real!

I will see you in Atlanta, but won't hold this against you, but hope you have truly learned to be a team member. We all make mistakes, and I am the last to judge anyone but that doesn't mean I wasn't mad as heck. To see pure red in my account is not easy to take and caused me a few nights of heartburn and sleeplessness and doubt. As time has gone along, I've learned we are a true team and feel very confident in Monk, the team and our purpose.

To anyone that reads this, know that this is a real group with true concern for each other and not the typical group of scum that are on Ihub.


07/15/10 9:22 PM

#264669 RE: jim1234 #264608

Hope to meet you in Atlanta....takes a big man to own up to his mistakes in public.

Hope you are on board for the GRNO squeeze this time ;-)


07/15/10 9:25 PM

#264672 RE: jim1234 #264608

I respect you for your honesty and what you do from this day forward will will determine how loyal you truly are to the team. In all honesty I still wish you the very best even though I'm pretty red in cdiv right now lol, but everything will work out for the whole team in the end, and that includes you as we will all be judged by a higher power one day so us as human beings really have no right to judge others for their actions imo, just forgive and let go, and hope they learn from their actions as I learn everyday from some of my bad choices, not that I make that many lol


07/15/10 9:26 PM

#264676 RE: jim1234 #264608

I know it does take a big man to admit he was wrong. I know I have made my mistakes over the years and I own up to all of them. I do not know the whole situation when you sold other than what I read on the boards and a few conversations at the Monkinars. I knew about CDIV but not EIGH actually. I hope you were sincere with your apology and are not just coming back to do the same thing...just being honest. I know it is hard for me personally to look at my CDIV shares valued where they are currently although I know they will be worth a lot more with time. I left my job a few months ago to trade full time and CDIV was my nestegg which is no longer. Anyway, welcome back and I hope you help others here in the Den with your experiences.

Craig Baker

07/15/10 9:32 PM

#264688 RE: jim1234 #264608

Takes a real man to admit he was wrong and you have done just that. This team is here to "support" each other and watch each other's backs through the thick and thin. Your friend (boss) is a damn good man and he is wise in his thinking as well. I've had many conversations with him and a few with you and to admit you were wrong is all I need to hear and it's back to business for me personally. Forgiveness is a trait that not alot of people have in their hearts these days but this team has "forgiveness" in their heart and that's what makes this whole thing special. Like I've always said and will continue to say time and time again forever if need be, It starts in the heart and works it's way out! Humility is something that puts a finger on someone's true character and I salute you for the appology! God bless you bud and ATL is just around the corner. Got a hug and a handshake waiting for you, just know that. OK.......... later peeps, back to W now... ;-)


07/15/10 9:46 PM

#264702 RE: jim1234 #264608

Alan, you are showing the kind of character that will make you wealthier in more ways than one. Moral character is greater than all the material wealth in the world. And for those that accept your apology (and I do), it makes them a better person as well. These things strengthen the team inside out. What a plus this has provided. Thank you.


07/15/10 9:46 PM

#264704 RE: jim1234 #264608

Alan, I accept your apology and forgive you. Welcome back to the Den.

Let the party begin for the prodigal son. He once was lost, now he is found.

Welcome to the Team.:-)


07/15/10 10:05 PM

#264722 RE: jim1234 #264608

Alan in my book you deserve 100% forgiveness. And Bluebucks is right, use what you have learned to never make the same mistake twice, and tell as many people as often as you can what you did and why you see them about to make the same mistakes in the future. There is no substitute in life save experience, yours is unique to you but universal in nature. Know that our TEAM is REAL, our GOAL is UNIFIED, our FORGIVENESS is ABSOLUTE, and our TRUST in each other from this moment forward is our BOND.

It is what it is, let's turn the page and move forward sir, be well.


07/15/10 10:22 PM

#264742 RE: jim1234 #264608

Hi Alan,

You are a good man to apologize publicly and take responsibility for your actions which did hurt many people. I am fine but it caused me alot on stress during a time when I had more than I needed without adding more. This too shall pass for all of us and it will make us all the more stronger for the future! My hat is tipped!


07/15/10 10:50 PM

#264777 RE: jim1234 #264608

Dang Alan I feel bad for you, to be so close to financial freedom and to lose it like that. I understand the tremendous pressures that people get under when they here all kinds of different opinions from differing points of views. I have always found it wise to seek out as many wise people as you can when trying to make them. I truly hope that everything comes back to you tenfold.
Good luck in the future and hope to see you around!


07/15/10 10:58 PM

#264794 RE: jim1234 #264608

Hey Alan

When Cdiv was at .45 and running I was laid off from work. In a matter of several days it went to .70, I said this is it what great timing, I wont have to worry about work again. Then it went down, Reading this has me filled with mixed emotions at the moment but I do except your apology and will see you in Atlanta.


07/15/10 11:31 PM

#264855 RE: jim1234 #264608

was laid off...lost my house...filed bankruptcy...2 kids.

Got into CDIV at .68

this is not a country song, but I'll be alright, no worries.


07/16/10 12:20 AM

#264890 RE: jim1234 #264608

"The foundation stones of honesty, character, faith, integrity, love, and loyalty are necessary for a balanced success that includes health, wealth, and happiness"

These characteristics are true elements that help a human being use their greatest ability to live life to the fullest. You have people that care for you and you have people that will need more time to decide for themselves. I congratulate you on your courage and challenge your integrity. The beauty of this situation is that it teaches you of the impact you can make on others...whether its financially, socially, or emotionally. The greatest gift you were given when you were born was the gift of creation...Everyday you have an opportunity to create....from this moment forward...CREATE YOUR MASTERPIECE...with the attributes above...Please NEVER forget this special lesson...Welcome Back!


07/16/10 12:32 AM

#264897 RE: jim1234 #264608

Good for you for admitting that Alan. I'm sure that wasn't easy. From looking at the chart and watching the L2 in CDIV back at the peak, I'm pretty sure you weren't the only one dumping shares, but you are the first to admit it.

Besides how it financially affected many of us on the team (at least in the short term), the worst part about this is that it's given some validation to all the negative claims that an FLD will never work because the team will just dump shares to the new buyers.

Anyway, I appreciate your admission. I tell my 10 year old son that we need to be accountable first to God and then to each other for our actions. I also tell him that when we mess up, repentance doesn't just mean saying we're sorry. It means trying to turn around and not do the same thing again. It sounds like you're trying to do that. Consider yourself forgiven in my book.

hermon munster

07/16/10 12:36 AM

#264899 RE: jim1234 #264608

Hello Alan0701,
Thanks for your honesty. I appreciate it. It is rare that a person publically admits a wrong doing. That took some guts and you should be commended for it..

On the other hand, that was very selfish of you. There are alot of people who are stuck in very bad situations and a FLD is their only legal way out. Your actions killed dreams. Even worse, your deeds squandered the most precious resource... time.

What you did was wrong, but understandable. We are all human and humans make mistakes.

The lyrics of "For the Love of Money" by the O'Jays ring so true in your past actions. Hopefully you will try to make things right.

Money money money money, money (x6)
Some people got to have it
Some people really need it
Listen to me y'all, do things, do things, do bad things with it
You wanna do things, do things, do things, good things with it
Talk about cash money, money
Talk about cash money- dollar bills, yall

For the love of money
People will steal from their mother
For the love of money
People will rob their own brother
For the love of money
People can't even walk the street
Because they never know who in the world they're gonna beat
For that lean, mean, mean green
Almighty dollar, money

For the love of money
People will lie, Lord, they will cheat
For the love of money
People don't care who they hurt or beat
For the love of money
A woman will sell her precious body
For a small piece of paper it carries a lot of weight
Call it lean, mean, mean green

Almighty dollar

I know money is the root of all evil
Do funny things to some people
Give me a nickel, brother can you spare a dime
Money can drive some people out of their minds

Got to have it, I really need it
How many things have I heard you say
Some people really need it
How many things have I heard you say
Got to have it, I really need it
How many things have I heard you say
Lay down, lay down, a woman will lay down
For the love of money
All for the love of money
Don't let, don't let, don't let money rule you
For the love of money
Money can change people sometimes
Don't let, don't let, don't let money fool you
Money can fool people sometimes
People! Don't let money, don't let money change you,
it will keep on changing, changing up your mind.


07/16/10 12:50 AM

#264902 RE: jim1234 #264608

I am inspired by what you posted and definitely by a lot of the great replies from the Den members. I am really so happily surprised that there are so many here who think along the same lines as I do. I don't feel so lonely! Alan, IMO to apologize like this is BIG..and the replies..well..I think the whole thing strengthens a lot of people in many positive ways. I'm proud and happy to be here on the Den:-) I don't know what's next, but I feel like being surrounded by all this positive energy is going to make us go up, up, up...not only financially...all around..I'm so ready to learn more and share:-D


07/16/10 1:01 AM

#264910 RE: jim1234 #264608


The Christian in me...forgives you

The fighter in me...takes you out back & kicks your ass

The friend in me...takes you up front & buys you a drink

FIDO..Forget It & Drive On


07/16/10 1:44 AM

#264929 RE: jim1234 #264608

It takes a great character to confess public that you made such a mistake. Of course I forgive you!! We ALL learn from our mistakes!! It's these kind of situations which makes us only stronger as individuals and as a team. I think you suffered enough from the drop to your initial cash value. That, my friend was karma. All the other sellers out there who claim to be part of the team will be punished one way or another...maybe not even in the financial world, but I can assure you it'll happen..You got punished moneywise because clearly the money for your own benefit was more important than the target of ENTIRE family.

God knows you're a good person and it wasn't your intention to do what you did. Therefore, he gave you another opportunity to do it the proper way. If you want my honest opinion, you'll come out much better this time. Moneywise, and personwise.

"You can't undo anything you've already done, but you can face up to it. You can tell the truth. You can seek forgiveness. And then let God do the rest.”


07/16/10 2:29 AM

#264934 RE: jim1234 #264608

Kudos to you sir and if I am in Atlanta I will personally shake your hand.

I am very sorry for your losses and hope you continue to feel a part of the team.

We all make mistakes and you have learned a great deal by not only having this happen but by admitting it publicly.

I hold no ill will against you sir and wish you well going forward.

If you need to talk you know how to get a hold of me and again I wish you well.


07/16/10 2:36 AM

#264935 RE: jim1234 #264608

just think, if you held onto your shares and waited out the plan, you would have been well over that $1,000,000 mark..perhaps 5 to 10 times over

anyways, annoyed that a big holder sold, but takes a lot to fess up to it

hope you come back into them with a fury and hold on for the entire ride this time


07/16/10 2:37 AM

#264936 RE: jim1234 #264608

Thanks for the apology Alan. Reading your posts the last while I could hear the regret coming through. It is good to see the honesty come out in the open. While I think the stocks dumping out for a while has not made me look the best with family and friends that I work with and recommend the pick to, it's all good. We will bounce back... this TEAM is so amazing and UNITED there really is no stopping us. Welcome back!


07/16/10 4:21 AM

#264953 RE: jim1234 #264608


I am new here but feel compelled to ask a few questions even though I don't know you or your story and I am not in CDIV. I did however, pay $2000 to attend the San Antonio Monkinar including the plane and motel, even though I lost my job in April and have two daughters who depend on me and have had to sacrifice so that I could join this Family, and frankly, if this doesn't work out I am up S*it CREEK son.

I have for the first time since finding the Den, felt apprehensive and discouraged, after reading your mealy mouth "apology"....

I spent awhile reading your post history...On what dates did you liquidate CDIV? and how many subsequent posts are blatant lies?

You posted, in May, that you were going to put your "big POZN profits in CDIV, did you?

Can you explain these posts?
Were you lying when you called this guy a liar? Did you post on his board to try to hush him up and keep him from revealing your lies? Did you apologize to him?

You state that you have lost all your CDIV profit and you are back to square... you were 63K from $1M... really? $937,000.. and as far as I can tell you came in with 150-200K...So your story is that you lost $737,000 in the last few months in pinkys??? Where? KATX...up...POZN .."big profits"...BVIG...up...LBSR...+1000%...WOLV...massive run..???? More lies??

Most people here seem to welcome you back no questions asked...just as family would be expected to do....excusing your "mistake" as a lesson learned..Well...IMO.. months of lies upon lies, false accusations, back stabbing, double dealing and so on, including your "apology" isn't a is a confidence game, a scam. I know for certain that is NOT how you treat your Family, Sir... How is anyone to know if you are not here to rebuild confidence, so that you can run your game again?

Well Sir... I am here to tell you that I think your story stinks..I think your actions were atrocious and I do NOT trust you, nor have an iota of respect for you..and I will be DAMNED if some greedy, con man is going to FU*k this up for me..I will be watching you.


07/16/10 8:00 AM

#265061 RE: jim1234 #264608

People make mistake... I wont say that I forgive or anything as Im one of those who was buying your shares... but I will only write that biggest mistake in the life would be not to learn from it and repeat it.

So I hope you at least get this part right, good luck with that.


07/16/10 9:02 AM

#265097 RE: jim1234 #264608

That took some stones to admit. I bought some of your .65's probably but can't really get mad since you stepped up to the plate, just disappointed. I gotta be human and forgive. I guess I can understand the allure of that much money.


07/16/10 11:02 AM

#265266 RE: jim1234 #264608

It takes a real man to apologize. Good for you. So lets get this party rolling. Now you have the money to do something with. Good Luck to All!


07/16/10 11:42 AM

#265319 RE: jim1234 #264608

I will add my 2 cents. Your decision affected all of us in varying degrees. For me personally it has meant delaying my chance to attend a monkinar and my efforts to achieve my dream of financial independance. So I would say that it did hurt me and I am very disappointed. But I am not going to dwell on that. You have true character to come on this board and openly admit your mistake and I can really respect that. Let's hope we can all use this to bring the team closer together, and lets just move forward.

pay in cash

07/16/10 12:38 PM

#265372 RE: jim1234 #264608


I wouldn't want to feel the way you must.

I hope this event will make the resolve of the Den and FLD's even Stronger.

In fact I'm sure it will.



07/16/10 1:33 PM

#265424 RE: jim1234 #264608

HI DEN, just read about Alan's apology and related posts. i didn't know about it till now as i am always way behind on reading and responding, and don't really like typing or texting( takes too much time). i have to say, as i read, some tears appeared but they were tears of joy, respect, proudness and so on. as i read, my thoughts were about Alan yes, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY MY THOUGHTS WERE ABOUT THIS GROUP OF PEOPLE- THIS TEAM- THIS FAMILY! the character and strength of this family is nothing short of AWESOME! to be a small member of this incredible group of folks is something that makes me very proud, and i am so glad and fortunate to have stumbled onto Monk and the Den! i think, as in the struggle of the moth in DarkMatters post, TEAM MONK's wings just got a little stronger and we are more than ready for flight now. Alan, what you did absolutely hurt other good folks, including myself, and it's exactly those good folks who can embrace you and give you help and protection and welcome you back in to the Family again. THESE PEOPLE ARE THE STRENGTH OF THIS TEAM! these people and their character are what will fullfill other's dreams. we are all here to make money, but Monk and the Den are showing us it can be fun too. i appreciate your apology Alan, i am sure it was not easy. i have no ill thoughts towards you and just hope your words are true and sincere, for yourself as well as the TEAM. good luck Alan, and welcome back, brother! 8) Mike


07/16/10 11:38 PM

#265733 RE: jim1234 #264608

The outpouring of acceptance from the Den family to alan0701 has been incredible! As most have said, it takes a lot to admit your wrongs...but the way I see it is that it takes twice as much or more to forgive....and for that, I take my hat off to all of the Den members who have done just that...I am honored to be among you!


07/19/10 8:48 PM

#267112 RE: jim1234 #264608


I read your apology post and I have to ask you a question (and feel free to PM me if you don't want to share that info with everybody here - I would PM you but I am a free member so I can't).

So you sold 1 mil. shares of CDIV and made almost million dollars.. What kind of an initial investment are we talking about here? The reason I ask is that I cannot imagine that any average person would be close to million dollars and then risk it all to lose in other pink/otc stocks. I would say most people would take 80-90% out and gamble with 10-20% of the profit but I know for sure that for most people here million dollars would be more than enough to call it a retirement and would never think to gamble with that. I say most because I know some aim for a lot more but statistically speaking I believe "most people here" is a pretty safe bet.

I know that money can get to your head but I just don't believe that anybody would make a million to lose it all just like that.
So please pick one of the following: :)

a) I am pretty well off so $1 mil. isn't really that much money for me
b) I did sell 1 mil. shares of CDIV and I lost some but I said I lost it all so other people feel better
c) I never had 1mil shares of CDIV but I can say I do because we are all pretty much anonymous on the web and I dare you to prove me wrong
d) I will never fall asleep again thinking what I could have done with the money I gambled away

I took out the guilt part and the team from the equation and just focusing on the personal perspective.



07/27/10 7:37 AM

#270969 RE: jim1234 #264608

Well alan0701 I guess its time we set the record straight.

You make it sound like I made you buy stocks and then sell them but we both know that alan does what alan wants to do.

You admit you are reckless and like to take chances well I must agree with you because it is certainly evident in your actions since you enter stocks like a bull moose in a china factory and you exit the same way.

As to CDIV I didn’t tell you to buy over a million shares, that was your decision and your action. What I did advise you to do then knowing you were heavy in CDIV and I might add you were up a substantial amount was to take some off the table and put that into the other FLD’s. The operative word here is some not all to reduce your risk and that my friend is just good money management.

But you held, you got greedy and when the stock started doing its retracement you panicked as you always do and you sold.

You then took that money and began pouring it all into EIGH and once again when that didn’t work for you….you sold your whole position and not at my direction.

In order for someone to be a mentor implies that one must have a student, one that listens, learns and benefits from the teachings and actions of his mentor. Since it was evident that you were not a good listener, nor were you a good student you didn’t learn much if anything at all.

The money you say your broker lost you has been made back several times and yet you keep loosing it what does that tell you?

You say you got within $63,000.00 of being a millionaire….you neglected to mention who helped you get to that point or did you do that all by yourself?

You didn’t mention you skip all around the boards listen to whomever and jump from one stock to another because you just don’t know any better. That in most cases you jump in and get turned upside down, then panic, sell and jump into the next one and anyone who has been trading for a while will tell you that is the fastest way to loose money on the market.

You pride yourself in being able to use people to your own ends and then you have the audacity to use that against them. Your post was very disjointed and didn’t make much sense but hey you were asking for redemption and Monks Den is very quick to forgive and forget.

You sent me several emails one to say I was not welcome to the Atlanta Monkinar and shouldn’t show up. Then once that didn’t work you said I would probably shun you or spit in your face and I sent you a reply saying why would I do that?
At the end of the day we are all accountable for our own actions. That means you as well alan I do not fault you for doing what you do but I do feel sorry for you. I hope you learn something at the Monkinar, I hope you learn how to make money and keep it so you won’t have to go though the hell you are putting yourself through that will one day end up loosing everything you have because that is the path you are on. I tried helping you but when you don’t listen and you make your own choices then you have to live with those choices so please don’t try and put them on others other than yourself.

So with that said lets talk about me…yes I attended the Richmond Monkinar. I also stated while everyone was talking about their hopeless stocks that I didn’t own any. I also stated that I held two positions in stocks that I felt had potential worthy of holding for any period of time. One position was a holding position and the other was a trading position that I traded in order to build my holding position. There were a few that joked that I flipped stocks and it was funny at that time. Now they are taking what I said totally out of the context in which it was presented.

Have I sold any of the FLD’s certainly….I have several accounts and I do move some of the stock from one account into another. In order to do so I sell from one account to another through the market…its much faster than ordering certificates and having to send them from one broker to another. I have sold stock in order to fill/fix a gap only to buy back what I sold afterwards….that process costs money but to keep a chart healthy is worth it in my book.

Have I taken profits? Yes but not in the amount people think. I own and hold stock in all of the FLD’s and I am still developing positions in ALL of them. If and when I do take profits I move it right into another of the FLD’s in a manner that does not effect the movement of those stocks….unless its to fill a gap as mentioned above.

I do pride myself in being able to swing trade effectively, buying low and then taking profits when they are presented. I develop positions in small chunks and exit the same way never selling on the bid. In other words what I do does not affect the market and I am able to do so quietly and silently.

I do day trade and have done so for many years successfully and I might add I do flip stocks when I do day trade…but then those are not FLD’s .

The only thing I see wrong is that some people don’t like the idea that I make money and for that I do apologize.

It is my wish that everyone learns to trade well and that they make bank in that process.

Those who know me know that….I give instruction to anyone seeking it, I have nothing to hide nor do I feel wrong in what I do.

I made a commitment to the Den and to Jerry when I became a part of it. It is not my objective to hurt, take advantage of or mislead anyone.

I don’t need to…..I can make all the money I need all by myself without the FLD’s for that matter… why would I want to hurt a great bunch of people who only want to get ahead in life?


07/27/10 4:28 PM

#271390 RE: jim1234 #264608

This post made me smile... ear to ear