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Replies to #270969 on Monk's Den


07/27/10 8:12 AM

#270976 RE: Cowboy #270969

my apology to you having read your post.
I just came back from my San Antonio seminar...I learnt the keys to F in trading (a joke from several classmates where we laughed so hard and would have had a bucket of pens launched for disrupting the class ;-))

I agree with your sentiment about this alan poster...indeed he has seeked my advise many times, and I had told him the same advise I use, buy a core position, and have traders to reduce your average cost base to zero...the best perservation of capital most traders adhere to if they dont let fear and greed get to them and stick to TA trading...

I can see in your post you are genuine...again sorry for my attack...

When I was given the keys, after finally seeing it on the chart, it was what I had suspected...I had seen the main one, that Jerry had backtested and turned into a part of a successful money making safe trading zone trade, probably over several years ago...just never put the right pieces together...

I have struggled over the years, ups and downs, like a typical cycle in stocks, economic world.

I now know, like many that have attended the course, we not only have the keys to the financial freedom,but more importantly, with two trading inversely proportional NYSE traders, that it can successfully be done whether the market is up or fact, the more topsy turvy news spewed on BNN or Wall street TV, the better.

I have no doubt in my mind that you are one of the 10 or so that Jerry shared with our biggest monk class to date (the HOtlanta will indeed become the new record...probably 55 to 60 imo) that he and Mel had texts etc when they were in Germany together, saying Monk formula now has made up to 10 millionaires...

I know there are hundreds of folks that are anxiously waiting for one, or two to squueze, to be able to attend a seminar...I think 2011 will see a seminar with about 120 to 150 people in a class...and we all know that is pyramid power...

I have to apologize too...

because as a trader, I post R resistance, and S support. I was doing it on the FLD plays, and it became so...

I publicly apologize to WALKER and BERRY...I will send them a PM right after this.

I have stated what you did in your post here...just before attend the SAT monkinar.

that I will buy the FLD, and use F to trade and make living expenses, plus more juice from other pro traders on the FAS and continue support in adding so we can collectively force the issue.

I am sure you took part in that awesome ride of FAS yesterday! I will be joining the fun....very soon.

all the best sir...cowboy...


07/27/10 9:01 AM

#270990 RE: Cowboy #270969

Cowboy I would like to offer my apology for comments I made towards you here in the Den, now let's make some $ sir.

Mick Dodge

07/27/10 9:07 AM

#270996 RE: Cowboy #270969

Glad to see you around my friend :)


07/27/10 10:02 AM

#271029 RE: Cowboy #270969


I wish all the success to you. Yes each of us is responsible for our own actions and I take responsibility for my actions and I have apologized to the DEN that I MADE THE TRADES and SOLD
Yes I have been reckless in the past and have run my account up and down and yes I need to change ie THAT IS WHY I AM ATTENDING THE SEPT ATLANTA MONKINAR

I have also stated in phone calls to certain people here in the DEN that there is alot of GOOD in you and you really try to help others.


07/27/10 4:09 PM

#271370 RE: Cowboy #270969

I wish to offer three apologies to the board.

1. For ever introducing and giving Cowboy access to Monk personally.

2. For allowing my name to be associated with Cowboy's in his testimony.(I request that testimony be removed or revised to have my BillyJack alias taken out from both the IBOX and the web site).

3. Feeling I have let the TEAM down by not coming forward sooner and stating that I know for a FACT that the FLD's have had millions of shares flipped at the TEAMS expense by the very person who keeps denying it. Although I found out after the fact that is no excuse.

Please accept my apologies and if the TEAM feels I should not post on Monk's Den then I will abide by that.

As a peacemaker I thought this would just go away but it has festered like a wound and needed to be lanced and then maybe it can heal.

I wish Cowboy the best as he goes forward as well as everyone else. As a peacemaker I ask that you do not make personal attacks against him or anyone but rather look at the big picture and try to go forward.

I saw the apologies to Cowboy by some and that is excellent.

The facts sometimes are not a pretty picture and I know many have lost thousands and thousands of dollars and some are in very precarious situations due to a lack of restraint by a self identified TEAM member.

Do I still believe in the concept and that the squeezes can happen? YES.

Let us go forward and my hope is that you will all be gracious enough to accept my apologies.


07/27/10 4:42 PM

#271441 RE: Cowboy #270969

just out of curiosity?? who do you think was buying those shares you were flipping out of?? the very people that you claimed to be team members with! i for one think you knew exactly what you were doing and we made very easy targets for you to make your profit percentage every day, all the while killing the run on cdiv. you act as if you did nothing wrong which makes me even more irate! you just dont get it do you???