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07/15/10 3:23 PM

#140700 RE: 69 hemi charger #140699

smiling here.


07/15/10 3:29 PM

#140701 RE: 69 hemi charger #140699

The initial DRTV phase was brief so that we could quickly determine whether the initial premise of the commercial should be left as is, or modified, without wasting a lot of money. There were far too many great ideas to pack into a single 2 minute commercial. In the next 5 minutes I am participating in a further creative review to receive Hawthorne Direct’s most recent recommendations. We are committed, as they are, to achieving a terrific and successful outcome during the course of 2010 and beyond. All details regarding the next run will be provided in due course.|sheets


07/15/10 3:39 PM

#140703 RE: 69 hemi charger #140699

I would like to see honest and real numbers about how many kits were ACTUALLY sold during the initial test.

I remember when I asked for this kind of number concerning the ad that was in the NASCAR magazine w/sweepstakes and was told I would get an answer and never did.

I simply wanted to know if that kind of advertising pays for itself or not.