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07/08/10 12:28 PM

#5169 RE: asdgwest #5168

Im also down big time so I feel the hurt, but for the life of me cannot think of a winning argument to get my money back. In the end it boils down to that despite all warnings about previous and management practices, and what the most basic of dd will show, I made a big mistake, or rather several of them.

I made a bet against long shot odds and lost. At best investing in pinkies are tantamount to gambling at a casino where the odds are hugely stacked against you.

This stock has more red flags sticking out than a porcupine has quills. But still we throw money at pinkies in the hope of a big payoff. If you bring a big wad of money into a room you know is chock full of pick pockets and cut throats, dont be surprised if you dont leave with your money still in your pocket.

Seriously though Im interested in just what exactly is your complaint,and what action do you expect? Even SEC failed to nail these guys, but SEC is pretty useless anyway...

All the same best of luck to you, but my money seems to have said bye bye, and I have no one else to blame but myself. If you want insurance on your trades get into options.


07/09/10 9:56 AM

#5171 RE: asdgwest #5168

Nothing will happen in court except more frustration on your part IMO. All the fraudulent prs are protected by safe harbor law. Pennimon said it best. You came in here before doing your dd and now you want someone to pay.
I did my best to warn people about this sham so they wouldn't be in your position now.
If you have solid proof as you say you do, hand it over to the SEC, get this pos suspended. That's the best you can do for yourself and fellow investors.


04/03/12 1:08 PM

#14728 RE: asdgwest #5168

Was the class action lawsuit against SSHS effective?


05/02/12 6:23 PM

#14859 RE: asdgwest #5168

July 2012? There's still some time in that case.