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Gold Seeker

07/06/10 12:14 PM

#26746 RE: opportunityknocking #26745

Opportunity, I looked at the links you posted. Nothing new there as I had seen them all before.

FYI, I have only found comments from 4 vets on the web mentioning oncopet. Three made actual comments. One just stated she was participating in a study for oncopet.

Of the three making comments, one thought oncopet had promise, another thought it should not be used for screening but for monitoring. The third recommended caution and though the whole sales process was "hokey".

That is it Opportunity. There are not "hundreds" of vets talking about oncopet. Most of the sites just repeat veterinary news.

There are several non vets making comments on their websites mainly repeating the press releases.
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Gold Seeker

07/06/10 2:23 PM

#26750 RE: opportunityknocking #26745

Opportunity, since you feel there is a huge "buzz" going on with the VETS, how do you account for the non sales of Dog RECAF from the launch on Feb 17 until April 15 when he began giving away free samples under the guise of a study?

There were two months completely VOID of any sales at all. If any pharma was interested in obtaining a license, why are there no distributors of the product?

Laboratories like Quest could be selling RECAF tests home brew right now. Why are they not?

Is it entirely possible that Abbott management had a good idea that the market for RECAF would be ZILCH and dumped it?