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07/03/10 10:40 PM

#311682 RE: janice shell #311681

The Paymaster was replaced according to sheila, but granny thinks not. fishy

sheilayea1: bonney was replaced

sheilayea1: now we can really get down to business

sheilayea1: yes, indeed Fiddle.. GA i am really happy about that change


Re: WolfBela Fax to Bonney..
« Reply #1 Today at 12:53pm »

When Granny talked to him yesterday afternoon he was still the paymaster.

By: my_bonney
03 Jul 2010, 01:15 PM EDT
Rating: Msg. 944503 of 944557

keithnick: sheilayea1: bonney was replaced
garey_2: why was he replaced
keithnick: sheilayea1: now we can really get down to business
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Darren1104: Well, it's news
ratnaraj: dirty rat
JoeBud: here we go lol
caseco_1_1: i have no friends

Tropigal: wonder if that changes any dates?
tbone_19: I really hope so!
Buachaill: Who appoints the paymaster?
keithnick: fiddlehead_39a: Sheila,,is that a plus for us,,
ratnaraj: so perhaps Bonney was working the inside for the miscreants
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keithnick: sheilayea1: yes, indeed Fiddle.. GA i am really happy about that change
oscart01: was Bonney Chancellor of the Excelcior?
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garey_2: who fired him
Khillium: yes bonney was a very strange choice unless he was set up to be stung
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JoeBud: who picked bonney?

keithnick: the queen joebud
oscart01: that link doesn't even have bonney's name on it? Why?
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keithnick: I suspect he was a double agent working for both the queen and bush sr
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DorisBeth: have me
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oscart01: ok
caseco_1_1: awwww...thanks dorisbeth

caseco_1_1: to catch the guy
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Darren1104: George doesn't go by ozzie does he? lol
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garey_2: who fired him?
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caseco_1_1: the "company"
ratnaraj: The plot thickens.
oscart01: They are catching more and more
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oscart01: every day
Tropigal: so are we still on for news on Independence day?
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Buachaill: Let's wait for confirmation before we get ourselves all excited again
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Tropigal: great bring it on !!!
bcressel: they're going to catch everyone down to their underwear makers
Tropigal: I need to be excited
Tropigal: thats what keeps me going
Buachaill: yes, just hate seeing the let downs...treading cuatiously
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Buachaill: thnx
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Tropigal: lol
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caseco_1_1: message to Chancellor...."I just want to wish you luck, we're all counting on you"
erynna_2006: can somebody post the last letter of al please? thank you
caseco_1_1: leslie nielson
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cmkxer: .org
erynna_2006: ok thanks
caseco_1_1: in airplane
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Tropigal: caseco.....from the movie Airplane
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caseco_1_1: hahahahh!!!!
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caseco_1_1: danng....hes like the secretary of the treasury over there.
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erthtunes: shiela confirmed per AH in the Vine-- Bonney was replaced
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luckydog12: well looking at osbornes bio, he seems to be a straight laced character at least in the matters of economics
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lulu262: excellent, I am glad that was confirmed
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theladyl: OMG. It's always sumtin
Tropigal: ok, he's been fired, but stock4369, has he been arrested?
erthtunes: she is very happy about it
theladyl: so what did the guy do?
JoeBud: maybe stock got it from sheila
theladyl: I don't care if he's arrested.
Tropigal: heck yeah
caseco_1_1: joebud. sticky fingers
Uhitit: nobody arrests double agents
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theladyl: did he steal our money
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bcressel: it's what he didn't do
JoeBud: caseco could be
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JoeBud: he had a bad history
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stock4369: Are you happy now
Tropigal: I see Uhitit
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JoeBud: I'll be happy the day we get paid
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cmkxer: i like that
Uhitit: Chancellor would be a better choice in terms of balance neutrality
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unclebuck3: whats the new rumor for date of payment
luckydog12: almost stock4369, we just need paid "NOW"!! LOL
ah halani cha: strong arm tactic imo
JoeBud: unless there's another trap being set
Uhitit: He's getting on the bus as we speak
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unclebuck3: who is stock
golddigger_8: yes stock, will be happier when money in hand
WiseMan378: maybe he is already here since the queen just came to canada?
Mona Lisa Smiles: right
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ratnaraj: Al continues to make reference to the circle of miscreants getting smaller.
ratnaraj: this fits!
unclebuck3: who is stock4369
stock4369: I knew he was but I stated as rumor so I wouldn't get beat up too
lulu262: yes!!
lulu262: good news
stock4369: I have been abused the last few days
luckydog12: dont like rotten tomatoes stock?
stock4369: lol
golddigger_8: yes stock I have seen that, I am sorry
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golddigger_8: for contributing to that
lulu262: so how close are we now?
Duh_nae_izme: stock
stock4369: I can take it lol
Mona Lisa Smiles: stock join the club
JoeBud: Stock is the new room guru
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mrsbillyray: no one better abuse you stock I got your back!~!
golddigger_8: we apprecitat your info
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Uhitit: Kahuna's are getting squeezed
erthtunes: ahhh stock-- I'm sorry--
ratnaraj: It may very well be that bonney was part of that circle.
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rockman_22: soory stock if I've been hard on you
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afirewalker: The mice aretrying to eat our Cheese
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JoeBud: lol
stock4369: Don't worry, I know this has been hard for everyone
DorisBeth: know the Drill lol
Uhitit: Remember the quote; You will be surpised who the bad guys are"
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ratnaraj: Stock4369.. all things considered, you can't blame others for being skeptical. You haven't given us much to go on. but nonetheless, thanks.
Uhitit: or was it the good guys?
stock4369: I have only said SOON all these years because it was not Now yet
luckydog12: I am sure stock understands it is very hard to take things at "face value" after sitting here for years
Khillium: stock4369 can we get paid now?
Uhitit: Naw it was the ugly guys
luckydog12: LOL STOCK
caseco_1_1: i like now better stock! swing batta!!
ratnaraj: come on stock.. give it up.
caseco_1_1: hahahah
Duh_nae_izme: stock... I think you are just a sweetheart
Uhitit: Stock, your stock rating just went up 4369 in my book
diamonds4us: LOL mona
erthtunes: oh crud
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afirewalker: Check oing the wrong way A Mona?
portaking_3: amen
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afirewalker: oing = goin
caseco_1_1: ill pick the tomatoes up and put them in vinegar with onions and cucumbers.
stock4369: don't worry about it
stock4369: I love you all
Uhitit: Mona you are a rock
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erthtunes: the only thing that frustrates me is that number- 4369
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afirewalker: VERY BIG FAMILY
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caseco_1_1: erth? what do you mean?
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Uhitit: Mona you are a duck, water just propells off you lol
DorisBeth: I think it was humor
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caseco_1_1: hello? earth to erth. lol
erthtunes: you can't divide evenly by 2
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stock4369: I will tell you about that number....I was 43 years old when my Dad died and he was 69
WiseMan378: sorry for your loss, stock
caseco_1_1: erth what diff would that make?
DorisBeth: \makes rememberance
erthtunes: ok -- tx stock--
erthtunes: caseco it's a Monk thin
erthtunes: thing
Tropigal: Mona I think the saying is "water off a ducks a$$"
stock4369: Now you know where I came up with that number
golddigger_8: my number stock would be 2155
caseco_1_1: oh, ok.
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caseco_1_1: mine would be 2046
Tropigal: and mine 3264
erthtunes: I cn't beleive parents die so young
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Uhitit: lol Tropigal
erthtunes: 46 and 55 way too young
crossloop_1: sure was cold outside the door
moneyspell: so does al have er?
crossloop_1: i knocked and i knocked
Darren1104: trick or treat
crossloop_1: No one opened the door? lol
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Tropigal: stock4369, is 7/7 still looking good you think?
Mona Lisa Smiles: dang
DorisBeth: sorry cross
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breatdane1: just like little kids
Tropigal: because it's my birthday on 7/7 AND Germany plays again
lulu262: so many crooks
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Duh_nae_izme: keithnick: sheilayea1: bonney was replaced keithnick: sheilayea1: now we can really get down to business keithnick: sheilayea1: now we can really get down to business keithnick: fiddlehead_39a: Sheila,,is that a plus for us,, keithnick: sheilayea1: yes, indeed Fiddle.. GA i am really happy about that change
breatdane1: yaaaaa
crossloop_1: excellent ty
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caseco_1_1: hi you feeling?
crossloop_1: my own personal big kahn recap.
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stock4369: not a rumor
caseco_1_1: you wont i bet
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Tropigal: hi madness
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Madness2k: Hi Tropigal
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sonnycrockett2: who is george osborne
garey_2: what makes you think they didn't hire another one?
oscart01: how does all the crooks get appointed?
Tropigal: not if it delays my payment
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caseco_1_1: garey...the new guy is secy of state of uk.
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garey_2: whats you point bush was president
Paco_49: GA Mona
Mona Lisa Smiles: Hey Paco
stock4369: Here New paymaster
oscart01: lol garey
stock4369: He was dirty
TOPROC25: a sting within a sting
paacs: blocking payment
sonnycrockett2: who is the new guy is there any info on who he is or where he came from
Tropigal: lets string him up !!!
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caseco_1_1: read stock's link sonny
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oscart01: stock was that a promotion for Osborne?
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ratnaraj: Maybe somebody got to him after being assigned.
ratnaraj: Regardless.. he's been caught.
ratnaraj: The circle is getting smaller!!!!
Mona Lisa Smiles: yes
ratnaraj: Go Al
stock4369: Now ER will come
caseco_1_1: so is my bank account rat. hahaha
Mona Lisa Smiles: AMEN Stcok!
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ratnaraj: stock4369: Now ER will come
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LUCY_N_DA_SKY1: oscar..hes the chancellor of the exchequer..
ratnaraj: stock4369: Now ER will come
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ratnaraj: stock4369: Now ER will come
LUCY_N_DA_SKY1: sorta like bernanke is here..head of all finances in britain
ratnaraj: stock4369: Now ER will come
oscart01: Lucy, Stock said he replaced Bonnie
LUCY_N_DA_SKY1: i heard
erthtunes: I pray and declare release of our funds for the benefit of God's people and His kingdom
oscart01: Was Bonnie Chancellor of the exchequer?
ratnaraj: stock4369: Now ER will come
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ratnaraj: no oscar
Texas Big Mama: it's Bonney
erthtunes: claim it beleive it and the mountains will move
LUCY_N_DA_SKY1: nooo oscar
ratnaraj: Bonney was paymaster.. and has been replaced by the Chancellor
Mona Lisa Smiles: TY Madness!
Mona Lisa Smiles: YOU TOO
afirewalker: You should still go back and tell them to Kiss your darkest part of your _______ white
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afirewalker: LOLOLOL
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afirewalker: JMO
ratnaraj: stock4369: Now ER will come
DADFIG: Madness
afirewalker: Blees you to
oscart01: I don't know enough about British hierarchy
ratnaraj: stock4369: Now ER will come
lulu262: ty madness, you too
ratnaraj: stock4369: Now ER will come
Tropigal: Likewise madness and regards to your wife
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ratnaraj: Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
diamonddoll: luv that ratnaraj
LUCY_N_DA_SKY1: oscar..its probably in the top 4 offices in britain
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oscart01: k
ratnaraj: hey doll
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Tropigal: New meaning to INDEPANDENCE day!
CMKX-baby: sheilayea1: bonney was replaced keithnick: sheilayea1: now we can really get down to business keithnick: sheilayea1: now we can really get down to business keithnick: fiddlehead_39a: Sheila,,is that a plus for us,, keithnick: sheilayea1: yes, indeed Fiddle.. GA i am really happy about that change
Mona Lisa Smiles: of course
ratnaraj: Prego madness, e du!
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crossloop_1: The position is considered one of the four Great Offices of State and in recent times has come to be the most powerful office in British politics after the Prime Minister
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stock4369: Al wants us to celebrate Independence Day
Uhitit: Chancellor is a huge office, hey they run the budgets
ratnaraj: Osborne is the Queen's "beancounter" !!!
LUCY_N_DA_SKY1: comparable to the secretary of the treasury
caseco_1_1: christmas in july...just like ron casavant used to say.
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Uhitit: exactly Lucy
caseco_1_1: just didnt say which july. hmmmm.....
diamonddoll: getting goose bumps
stock4369: We are in great shape
ratnaraj: wait until florda na hears this
Texas Big Mama: please refresh my memory. why is britian handling our money?
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Uhitit: Almost time to put the shrimps on the barbie
caseco_1_1: fluid situation. ewwww!! its my depends!
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ratnaraj: The Queen is one of many that has a massive lien against the US Treasury
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stock4369: yep
Uhitit: they are overseeing distribution
ratnaraj: ... and has fronted trillions of $ toward the refunding program
ratnaraj: enter her beancounter
ratnaraj: capice
zoom1954: headed to the lake without cell and internet.... how about you guys make it happen while i am gone
diamonddoll: capice!!!
Tropigal: time to star the baby back rib marinade and chix wing marinade - brb
Tropigal: start
Uhitit: good for you zoom
caseco_1_1: stock...wasnt the lien to be perfected yesterday if not released?
stock4369: If they don't release the funds they will call in the debt
crossloop_1: By tradition, the Chancellor has been allowed to drink whatever he or she wishes whilst making the annual Budget Speech to parliament. This includes alcohol, which is otherwise banned under parliamentary rules.
brownie_1_1: Raining here.
bcressel: zoom=brave brave person
zoom1954: everybody have a great 4th.... i will leave the pc up and read what i missed when i return
ratnaraj: stock.. you're the man!
caseco_1_1: yes, thats what i was referring to
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crossloop_1: Previous Chancellors have opted for whisky (Kenneth Clarke), gin and tonic (Geoffrey Howe), brandy and water (Benjamin Disraeli), spritzer (Nigel Lawson) and sherry and beaten egg (William Gladstone).[5] lol
ratnaraj: .. and if they call the debt we become lke Argwentina..
ratnaraj: which is unproductive
ratnaraj: Argentina
Tropigal: STOCK, last night you said you were in the mountain time zone. Are you in the U.S. or Canada?
caseco_1_1: sherry and beaten egg!?? yuk.
caseco_1_1: rat...yew silly wabbit.
Texas Big Mama: that's what i thought caseco
ratnaraj: better to attempt a kick-start of our economy than collapse it
erthtunes: I once had Sherry beating an egg in my kitchen
caseco_1_1: hahahah!!
Buachaill: What is bonnie's full name?
Texas Big Mama: his last name is bonney
caseco_1_1: liesovertheocean
Buachaill: I got that
brownie_1_1: Sherry who, erthtunes? lol
wingnut1950: William bonney
diamonddoll: Lindell i think
Buachaill: thnx
caseco_1_1: billy the kid
CMKX-baby: William Bonney'ifed lunatic
erthtunes: My Bonney lies under the ocean
stock4369: I'm in Colorado now
caseco_1_1: maybe he was outslowing us to death.
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CMKX-baby: really happy he was replaced with osborne if true
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caseco_1_1: IBM always had a second tape recorder.
erthtunes: My high school girlfiend - Sherry
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wingnut1950: Ozzie finally got a real job
erthtunes: she's in Clorado with stock--
oscart01: what was Bonnie's first name? I forget
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oscart01: william?
TOPROC25: so where do we go now?? just waiting for announcement?
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JoeBud: lyndell h bonney
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Uhitit: Man news today would be great
oscart01: I think so too..... not a sharp day for me
oscart01: lol
JoeBud: yw
oscart01: thanks, joebud
erthtunes: every day things change- yet every day nothing changes- we wait
Texas Big Mama: thank you joe bud
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JoeBud: yvw tbm
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JoeBud: and oscar
luckydog12: L H (WILLIAM) Bonney
crossloop_1: He s with the British Parliament
Buachaill: I just sent an e-mail to requesting the status of the Paymaster
erthtunes: why is it so hard for peeps to look p -mona
erthtunes: up
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Uhitit: How many Brits are in on this i wonder
caseco_1_1: ribeye's, grilled shrimp wrapped in bacon with jalapenos, corn on the cob, garlic mashed taters, sweet tea. boo ya!!!
tbone_19: Kinda ironic all this is taking place when the Queen is in Canada
erthtunes: sgut up caseco
erthtunes: shut
caseco_1_1: lol earth..
Texas Big Mama: caseco you know how to eat
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caseco_1_1: tbone....there are no coincedences.
ratnaraj: stock4369: Now ER will come
pebbles08: Good thing they did not say "Ozzy Osbourne" was our paymaster
erthtunes: I'm gonna go have some papaya
caseco_1_1: yeah, tex big mama...
JoeBud: caseco that sure sounds good
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erthtunes: shut up mona
extex95_1: Erthtunes why are we looking up? My neck is starting to hurt. lol
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erthtunes: aerybody shut-up--lol
ratnaraj: razz
brownie_1_1: I'm making a chocolate pie.
extex95_1: I'll try not too Mona
Buachaill: e-mail address for the Paymaster bounced
erthtunes: cuz you need to PRAY extex
afirewalker: What kind of pie Mona
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brownie_1_1: Yes. I didn't get that recipe.
Paco_49: I luv Pie Mona
extex95_1: I've been erth
brownie_1_1: You having lots of company?
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erthtunes: God me too
oscart01: Mona is all that for you or are you having company?
erthtunes: GFood
afirewalker: When are you making a peach pie Mona ?
oscart01: Pie sure sounds good
mineralsgalore: Has Al been online today?
brownie_1_1: Just my husband and me being lazy on a rainy July 4th.
extex95_1: Sure wish we knew who STOCK is.
afirewalker: Just asking Mona
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rvcoming: thanks stock4369 for the info!
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afirewalker: So leave the Computer running Mona with the sound turned Up
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brownie_1_1: We'll be over when it's ready.
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tbone_19: stock4369: Now ER will come /// can i get a woohoooo!
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brownie_1_1: Did you hear that tbone?
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bandzdad: Who has the authority to fire Boney???
triple_14: George Osborne
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mineralsgalore: Would that mean Cottrell is gone too?
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triple_14: Like Tony Blair and Gordon Brown before them, but apparently without the bitter personal feuding, Osborne and Cameron, are now the dominant political double act.
tbone_19: lol
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Paco_49: You talk and I'll cook for you Mona We need you !!!
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luckydog12: no minerals
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mineralsgalore: Thanks
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Paco_49: too funny
luckydog12: cottrell is due money also I believe
mineralsgalore: Well Bonney claimed he was too, I thought
oscart01: I've been googling this info but haven't found it yet. Anyone else find it in the news yet?
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extex95_1: Looks like Bonney got caught with his hand in the "cookie jar".
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ratnaraj: minerals :: cottrell is also a client of al's
ratnaraj: Bonney was only the assigned paymaster
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mineralsgalore: Bonney was a client also right?
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luckydog12: nope
mineralsgalore: ok
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ratnaraj: No
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ratnaraj: Bonney was the Assigned Paymaster for the disbursement. Period
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mineralsgalore: ty
ratnaraj: Al represents Cottrell and 7 plaintiffs
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ratnaraj: bonney went bad or was bad
ratnaraj: and got nabbed
coachjack12: why would Bonney be fired and not ARRESTED?
ratnaraj: the details are not clear.
coachjack12: they never are RaT
ratnaraj: be careful of too many assumptions at this point
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ratnaraj: nobody said he wasn't arrested
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ratnaraj: Stock4369 probably knows more.
ratnaraj: Perhaps he can comment

cmkxer: do you think that bonney was replaced because he did not have the clout that osbourne has to get it done?
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stock4369: Bonney was dirty
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cmkxer: ok thx
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luckydog12: We dont know he wasnt arrested, wasnt it in one of Al's letters that alot of high level bankers were arrested? I didnt see it on the nightly news

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07/04/10 1:52 PM

#311715 RE: janice shell #311681

LOL!! Leo and djzzzz are the same person: Janet Douglass. She loves to sue people, usually for bombarding her with radio waves and stuff

I didn't know that. She libeled the pizz out of me on another board back in 2004/2005.

I'd love to return the favor.