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07/02/10 9:31 PM

#26031 RE: ronning999 #26030

Do you know what Rule 144 is? I suggest you take a look at it.
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big kahuna 01

07/02/10 10:03 PM

#26033 RE: ronning999 #26030

According to you hes dumping them so they are in the market right and Its amazing pinksheets updated as little as a week ago so I guess we have seen 4 billion 837 million go through the market this week which is weird because I have been watching the Level 2s pretty close and havent seen anything that would indicate that your statements are anything close to being anything but an attempt to get people to sell off. Also the TA is not gagged that is 100% incorrct as you like to say transfer online doesnt give out any info on companies unless they subscribe to their highest tier of service and will only release it to the public upon written request of the company and the company must pay for the highest level of service we have had this discussion before ill be happy to get on 3way calling with you tuesday so you dont have to pay long distance and ill be happy to introduce you to Mr. White who is the transfer agent for GGIIand make the introductions so you will come to love transfewr online or you can call pay the long distance and find out for yourself so that you can stop putting out false info. they are one of the largest TAs for pinks and OTC BBs and it is aeconomically sound choice for these companies because they can chose level of service based on what they have room for in the budget. That is not a gagged TA a gagged TA is one that specific orders not to divulge any info. i also noticed you only have chosen to respond to a small portion of my previous post I am waiting with great anticipation for you to enlighten us all on how Peacock can even issue all these shares my stance is he can not issue them as he would have to have a vehicle such as a specific rule in which an attorney could write an opinion letter and state that the attorney has done all the due dilgence required and will state the regulation that would cover wehter they are registered or not please school me with all this knowledge you claim to possess and would also like for you to possibly quit stating the he could do this or possibly or can but that he or anyone else is doing it at GGII would really like to know for sure because its one thing to say someone could do something or always put it out as an opinion so that you are never quite on record making the statemnet that its fact. Just simpley tell us the facts as you know them to be and how that can be possible without their being some type of filing through rule 504 or maybe debt conversion under rile 144 which their isnt any by the way so I would love to get the skinny on this because even retricted shares show in the outstanding and they arent eligible to trade until the legend is removed