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Did you see the several filings updates and the recent attorney letter? Something in the works in here
Two great websites there! $GGII
$GGII gained some followers. Level 2 shift coming. OTC Profile being updated!
$GGII Green Globe International Inc. Helping people feel and look better with Consumer Goods including Nutritional #Supplements and #Beauty products. #Stock Ticker $GGII
One good thing to say about GGII:
So, management has waay more at stake than retailers (Shareholders). So, very limited chances of R/S or something like that. Still GGII is chit
Heey, I Didn’t know CEO submitted a name/ticker change last October in FINRA! Only thing I can think of, CEO want to attract new blood to be capable to dilute more later. GGII is an exposed/burned known ticker.
My pleasure, lol
Looks good!
Some CEOs never learn. Why doesn’t he sell this and move into a new venture????? You don’t need to be smart to realize game is over! Just sell this as a shell and call it the day
WOW!!! Just saw your post! I actually got so blessed! I was in for like less than $1000.00 bucks and SOMEHOW managed to have about $35,000.00 bucks afterwords...... amazing that year! And also PVDG/VXIT! CRAZY good... But, maybe $RDGL will go anywhere?? or $HIRU?
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
—1 Corinthians 10:13
If CEO screwed up the spin-off HPCO, it means GGII shareholders are sooo screwed that isn’t funny anymore
We are past that. We won’t die but will dry slowly. HPCO shall be with DIDDY now sharing a room. It was criminal what was done to us in GGII… We got squeezed 😂 crap, I am still holding this crap
That’s $20 mate, plus fee… Why did you do that? You won’t be able to get out, ever, with profits
It is a S.C.A.M
Actually hit .167 on May 11, 2021. I was holding 2.5 million shares with a total cost of about $2,000 for over a year. Started to run in April. When it starting dropping late April, I bailed for a $1k profit. "Yes, nice recovery!" If my crystal ball had been working & if I held for another week or so, coulda had $400k profit!
But I had fun, right?
Everyday I regret I didn’t sell at that point. Then hempacco pulled the rug and fucked us all
As long as a small mind like yours may understand the main concept of such message, I think I shouldn’t be concerned about grammar skills in a place we talk money only. This isn’t the chat for grammar talk, you fool.
It happens to anyone from a cellphone and multitasking but I own that typo
But I get it, there is nothing else to talk in this scam. It gets people like yourself bored
Just screaming...who, you are good!
Did you mean, "federalLY legalized", or maybe, "legalized federalLY", EINSTEIN? Need to get back to those Engrish courses! Lol
If marijuana gets federal legalized… Uuuuffff
If marijuana gets federal legalized… Uuuuffff
That news means nothing. Let me tell you this, until CONGRESS does not pass law Cannabis to be federally legal, this will continue the same way it has been. Worthless… Statewide has been approved, yes but the Federal level is the trick
Maybe time to add?
Did you hear about the R/S attempt by HPCO? If its spin-off is doing such, so fast, GGII is done for sure
Like Jorge Olson!
This company got AIDS. Lmaoo
S.C.A.M This stock is into the same category as HMBL, RGBP, and ENZC = Dangerous ATMs!!! GGII is a ponzi
It is definitely an interesting outcome. Waiting for the transition. It feels like a winner, even if we end up as restricted. Anyways, getting ready because this GGII CEO is a sniper and doesn’t miss. Expecting the worst for shareholders. Not putting my guns down yet. I ain’t sold on this yet but gotta say it, very interesting buyout case
Well I'm not that mad about my 0.0005 buy. Let's see where this gets...
Does anyone know what is the deal with HPCO buying shares out from GGII? Seem they will be restricted for 12 months. What is going to happen to GGII shareholders? Nobody talking about it on GGII side
Don't get me wrong, I will buy more but it has to be at the right price mate: 0.0001. I aint touching more of this until we find each other there. 0.0004 still TOO criminal high
At 0.0001 is definitely more than a lotto ticket, at 0.0004 is suicide and stupid gambling.