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Bob Zumbrunnen

01/31/05 2:55 PM

#938 RE: Susie924 #937

Thanks, Susie.

I woke up this morning feeling absolutely awful. Meaning roughly a 200% improvement over previous mornings, so I'm finally at the office today after about a 3-week absence.

The doc at the ER told me Friday "Your blood test came back so good it was like 'Why on earth is this guy here?'". Same with the MRI.

They pumped a bunch of saline solution into me via IV (2 liters in an hour with a 1 liter/hour chaser) and I immediately felt a LOT better, felt slightly worse this weekend, then woke up this morning feeling relatively good.

Their hypothesis is that the tonsil infection I had (which steroids and antibiotics cleared up) just took so much out of me that recovery was really slow and might not've been possible without the IV to get me kick-started.

My diet still consists mostly of beef broth, coffee, and lots of water, but I'd say I'm definitely on the mend.

Interestingly, a friend of mine on SI commented that they'd gone through a similar situation earlier last year and it was the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of a mutual SI friend (Edwarda) that finally prompted them to seek medical attention.

The same was true in my case. I thought of Edwarda and immediately went to the hospital. Glad I did.

Don't expect any heavy-duty work out of me yet, though. I'm doing well to have driven to the office and spent 4 hours deleting spam email and implementing a few new ad campaigns. I don't expect to be capable of even 10% of my normal pace anytime this week.

But am very encouraged that I'm finally capable of *anything*! :)